Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Veteran Servitor (Exhibit)

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The Veteran Servitor is a powerful Jade Servitor that has been verifiably corrupted by and purged of Jade Sparks created by the Dragonvoid. It is kept in the Bastion of Knowledge Museum of Curiosities so that the Astral Ward can observe it for lingering effects. It is occasionally reanimated alongside other exhibits by Kryptis magic.


Horn of Maguuma

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Enhances Allies
  • Barrier Tether - Tether to an ally and apply Barrier.png Barrier to them.
  • Eject Coolant - Generate a non-damaging field that pulses Slow.png Slow.
  • Enhance Allies - Spawn a pool that pulses Alacrity.png Alacrity to allies.
  • Multitool - Strike your foe, inflicting Torment.png Torment, Burning.png Burning, Bleeding.png Bleeding and Poisoned.png Poisoned.
  • Whip - Strike your foe.