Defeat the rampaging museum exhibits

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Defeat the rampaging museum exhibits

Bastion of Knowledge
Event type
Event fist (tango icon).png Dynamic event
Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the rampaging museum exhibits is an event that takes place in the Bastion of Knowledge. Players must pacify the unruly exhibits by reducing them to 25% health, at which point they freeze for a few moments, before being teleported back to their original positions in the museum.


  • Exhibits defeated: x/20
  • Something is happening in Amnytas... R'tchikk will depart in 5:00 (Appears when The Defense of Amnytas is starting in 10 minutes or less)


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Event start
R'tchikk: Oh, no. Oh, dear. Oh, my. Problems. Problems, Big Problems. Small Problems.
R'tchikk: Exhibits are coming to life. Could be Kryptis magic reacting with exhibit magic! Oooh, what do!
Gladium: (gestures)
R'tchikk: Y-yes. Gladium right. This is no time for R'tchikk to panic! R'tchikk is museum director, after all!
Gladium: (gestures)
R'tchikk: Wayfinder! Yes! Your timing is perfect! R'tchikk really could use your help!
R'tchikk: R'tchikk is using full strength to contain exhibits! Wayfinder, please go neutralize them, yes?
Approaching the event
R'tchikk: Oh, Wayfinder! Is R'tchikk ever glad to see you! We got big problems here! Small problems too!
R'tchikk: Museum exhibits are all coming to life. Skritt thinks because of Kryptis magic somehow.
Randomly on defeating enemies
R'tchikk: Skritt hopes Wayfinder takes care not to damage exhibits too much. Very valuable.
R'tchikk: Good fighting, Wayfinder! Yes! Very Strong!
R'tchikk: Wayfinder is doing a great job! R'tchikk is very grateful! Gladium too!
Event completion
R'tchikk: All exhibits are inert again! Success! Victory! Skritt knew she could count on the wayfinder!
R'tchikk: Now, uh... R'tchikk and Gladium have much cleaning up to do... Yes...

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