Merciful Ambush/history
June 28, 2022
- Merciful Ambush: This trait has been moved to adept minor and now heals when entering or exiting stealth instead of applying a pulse heal upon entering stealth.
Merciful Ambush
- Specialization
Shadow Arts
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Minor
- Game link
“Heal when you enter or exit stealth. Stealth yourself and your target when reviving an ally.
This effect also applies to stealth you grant to allies.— In-game description
February 25, 2020
- Merciful Ambush: (Competitive split) Reduced revive percentage from 3% to 1%.
Merciful Ambush
- Specialization
Shadow Arts
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“When you apply stealth to an ally, they heal and revive over a short duration. Stealth yourself and your target when reviving an ally.
— In-game description
July 16, 2019
- Merciful Ambush: This trait has been moved to the adept tier. It no longer increases revive speed and instead causes applying stealth to an ally to heal and revive them over 3 seconds.
Merciful Ambush
- Specialization
Shadow Arts
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“When you apply stealth to an ally, they heal and revive over a short duration. Stealth yourself and your target when reviving an ally.
— In-game description
June 23, 2015
- Merciful Ambush: Updated this trait to reflect the introduction of the specialization mechanic.
- This trait has been moved to the Shadow Arts Adept minor tier.
- Added: Stealth yourself and your target for 3 seconds when reviving an ally.
- Added: You revive allies 10% faster.
Merciful Ambush
- Specialization
Shadow Arts
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Minor
- Game link
“Merciful AmbushStealth yourself and your target when reviving an ally. You revive allies faster.
- : 10%
Revive Percentage- Stealth (2s): Invisible to foes.
— In-game description
October 15, 2013
- Merciful Ambush: This skill now functions with the Meld with Shadows trait for the recipient of stealth.
June 25, 2013
- Merciful Ambush: This trait now grants 2 seconds of stealth to players and their allies when beginning a revive.
Merciful Ambush
- Specialization
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Major
“— In-game description
Original version
Merciful Ambush
- Specialization
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Major
“Merciful AmbushCreate an ambush trap while reviving an ally. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.
— In-game description