Imperial Impact/history

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March 19, 2024

  • This skill no longer extends boons on allies. Increased the protection duration from 4 seconds to 5 seconds in PvE and from 0.5 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW. Increased the might duration from 9 seconds to 10 seconds in PvE and from 5 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP and WvW. Increased the might stacks from 2 to 3 in PvP and WvW.
Vassals of the Empire.png

Imperial Impact

Revenant icon small.png Revenant
Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator
Vassals of the Empire Vassals of the Empire
Game link
Imperial Impact

Drop from above, delivering a powerful attack to enemies while granting boons to allies.

Damage.png Damage: 532 (2.0)?
Damage.png Damage: 166 (0.625)?
Damage.png Damage: 133 (0.5)?
Chilled.png Chilled (2s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Might.png5 Might (10s): 150 Condition Damage, 150 Power
Might.png8 Might (3s): 240 Condition Damage, 240 Power
Protection.png Protection (5s): -33% Incoming Damage
Protection.png Protection (2s): -33% Incoming Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240

— In-game description

February 14, 2023

  • Imperial Impact: The attack from this trait no longer inflicts chill in PvP and WvW. Reduced power coefficient from 0.625 to 0.5 in PvP only.
Vassals of the Empire.png

Imperial Impact

Revenant icon small.png Revenant
Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator
Vassals of the Empire Vassals of the Empire
Game link
Imperial Impact

Drop from above, delivering a powerful attack to enemies while granting boons to allies.

Damage.png Damage: 532 (2.0)?
Damage.png Damage: 166 (0.625)?
Damage.png Damage: 133 (0.5)?
Chilled.png Chilled (4s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Might.png5 Might (9s): 150 Condition Damage, 150 Power
Might.png2 Might (4s): 60 Condition Damage, 60 Power
Protection.png Protection (4s): -33% Incoming Damage
Protection.png Protection (0.5½s): -33% Incoming Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5
Duration.png Boon Duration Increase: 1 second
Radius.png Radius: 240

— In-game description

October 18, 2022

  • Imperial Impact: Reduced protection duration from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced might stacks from 4 to 2 in PvP and WvW.
    • (Undocumented) Reduced stacks of might granted in PvE from 10 to 5.
Vassals of the Empire.png

Imperial Impact

Revenant icon small.png Revenant
Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator
Vassals of the Empire Vassals of the Empire
Game link
Imperial Impact

Drop from above, delivering a powerful attack to enemies while granting boons to allies.

Damage.png Damage: 532 (2.0)?
Damage.png Damage: 166 (0.625)?
Chilled.png Chilled (4s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Might.png5 Might (9s): 150 Condition Damage, 150 Power
Might.png2 Might (4s): 60 Condition Damage, 60 Power
Protection.png Protection (4s): -33% Incoming Damage
Protection.png Protection (0.5½s): -33% Incoming Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5
Duration.png Boon Duration Increase: 1 second
Radius.png Radius: 240

— In-game description

Original version

Vassals of the Empire.png

Imperial Impact

Revenant icon small.png Revenant
Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator
Vassals of the Empire Vassals of the Empire
Game link
Imperial Impact

Drop from above, delivering a powerful attack to enemies while granting boons to allies.

Damage.png Damage: 532 (2.0)?
Damage.png Damage: 332 (1.25)?
Chilled.png Chilled (4s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240

— In-game description

Beta event version: November 30, 2021

Beta event version: September 21, 2021

Vassals of the Empire.png

Imperial Impact

Revenant icon small.png Revenant
Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator
Vassals of the Empire Vassals of the Empire
Game link
Imperial Impact

Drop from above, delivering a powerful attack to enemies while granting boons to allies.

Damage.png Damage: 332 (1.25)?
Chilled.png Chilled (4s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240

— In-game description