Living World Season 3 content

Explorer Rakk

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Renown heart NPC repeatable.png

Explorer Rakk


Interactive map

Explorer Rakk is a Renown Heart NPC in Caliph's Steps. Help him investigate the mursaat fortress, and he will become a karma merchant.


Heart of Maguuma

Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Investigate the mursaat fortress (80)

Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Petrified Wood.png Bundle of Petrified Wood Service Exotic 2,688 Karma
Mini Captain Grumby.png Mini Captain Grumby Miniature Rare 105,000 Karma + 25 Petrified Wood
Mini Jade Construct.png Pocket Jade Armor Consumable Basic 0 3,150 Karma
Experimental Ooze.png Endless Jade Construct Tonic Novelty, Gizmo Rare 75,005 Karma
Unbound Harvesting Sickle.png Unbound Harvesting Sickle Harvesting sickle Fine 60 4,900 Karma
Unbound Logging Axe.png Unbound Logging Axe Logging axe Fine 60 4,900 Karma
Unbound Mining Pick.png Unbound Mining Pick Mining pick Fine 60 4,900 Karma
Ancient Mursaat Relic.png Ancient Mursaat Relic (1 in total) Service Basic 7,000 Karma
Friend of Noran.png Mursaat Investigator (1 in total)
(Only if the Ember Bay Master collection is active.)
Trophy Exotic 7,000 Karma


Renown Heart empty (map icon).png There are mursaat defenses all over. I'm unable to get a seismic reading. Would you help alleviate the clutter plaguing this area? My krewe aren't exactly around to help anymore.
Talk more option tango.png What exactly do you need me to do?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png I need you to get rid of those jade constructs for me. Along with that, those statues can be quite the nuisance. I need them destroyed in order to collect my data.
Talk more option tango.png Sounds easy enough.
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Good. While you're at it, there are some ancient tablets that are still intact. Why don't you study up on them for me? We might learn something about these ruins while we're here.
Talk end option tango.png I'll see if I have time.
Talk end option tango.png I can't be distracted from my mission. Sorry.
Complete heart (map icon).png I'm impressed! It would appear you saved us all from assured death and destruction. My reading indicate the volcano is calming down. Nice work. I've got trinkets I could see you for cheap.
Talk more option tango.png What kind of trinkets, and how much?
Talk end option tango.png It was nothing. See you around.