Drive the ogres from their watchtower by killing their scouts

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Drive the ogres from their watchtower by killing their scouts

Interactive map

Interactive map

Drive the ogres from their watchtower by killing their scouts is a level 13 dynamic event that occurs in Cadem Forest.


  • Ogre scouts killed: x%


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 552 Experience.png 77 Karma 18 Copper coin
Silver 470 Experience.png 66 Karma 15 Copper coin
Bronze 414 Experience.png 58 Karma 13 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 13 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Dyrala Ogrestalker: We're set. It's time those pig-herding brutes yield to charr might.
Sylarna Ogreslayer: Maybe this plan will work better than your last.
Dyrala Ogrestalker: Not my fault that the skritt reacted like they did. Live and learn.

Upon event completion:

Robyra Ogreslasher: Your plan was awfully complex. The simpler the better, I say.
Dyrala Ogrestalker: Whatever. It worked. Now the next phase: repel all ogre attempts to retake this stink-pit.
Sylarna Ogreslayer: I'm still spitting mad. If the Iron Legion had quelled the ghosts by now, we wouldn't even have an ogre problem.
Dyrala Ogrestalker: Don't blame Iron. They gave us the Black Citadel, after all. Without that, we'd be more helpless than tailless gladium out here.


  • Although Dyrala Ogrestalker has the dialogue "Somebody needs to destroy those kraal gates, or we'll never drive the ogres out," the gates cannot be attacked or destroyed until the event, Capture Stonecrag Kraal. In fact, sometimes the gates are already open.