Donal Regland
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Donal Regland is a welder's apprentice in the Gladium Canton. Before the cease-fire between the charr and the humans, he was a trader making runs to Ebonhawke but he was caught one day on his way back by a travelling warband. He was captured and held captive until the cease-fire. He quit the travelling trade ever since. He has at least one thing in common with the charr, and it's his disliking of the Ascalonian ghosts.
- To charr
- You're that soldier, <Character name>, right? The one who took down Duke Barradin?
- human?
- Actually, I have no love for the Ascalonian ghosts. They don't just attack charr, you know. Adelbern brought a plague on all of us.
- Black Citadel?
- I used to be a trader, before the cease-fire, hauling supplies out to Ebonhawke. On my last run, I encountered a patrolling warband. I knew if we ran, I'd be dead.
- I prefer living over the alternative. They brought me here to the Gladium Quarter, where I was held until the cease-fire. On the day it was signed, I was once again a free man.
- I'm in no position to judge you. Farewell.
So you surrendered?
- Things change. I've been here so long, I've grown to love the ingenuity and organization of the city. I'm a welder's apprentice now.
- A wise decision, human. Good luck to you.
Why haven't you resumed trading?
- I see. Thanks for chatting.
What are you doing here in the - There aren't many of us here. Have you met Al?
- He calls himself Al'Seen. He's deluded, but harmless. He used to be a soldier in Ebonhawke.
- His unit was cut off behind enemy lines. They weren't heard from for weeks. Finally, a patrol stumbled across Alain. The sole survivor.
- So, what brought you to the Black Citadel?
- Yeah, that's not suspicious. See you.
A soldier?
- "Deluded" may not be strong enough. He thinks he's the incarnation of some Elonian legend. But he's not even Elonian. And probably not a legend.
- How did he get that way? (same as "A soldier?")
- You've been very helpful. Good-bye.
- I don't have time to hear his life story. Bye.
- I haven't. Good-bye.
You're level-headed for a human. How many of you live in the citadel?
- I changed my mind. I'll be going.
Are you going to hold that against me, - I don't have time to talk. Bye.
- To non-charr
- I'm glad to see another underdog here in the city. It can be a bit intimidating with all these charr around.
- I used to be a trader, before the cease-fire, hauling supplies out to Ebonhawke. On my last run, I encountered a patrolling warband. I knew if we ran, I'd be dead.
- I prefer living over the alternative. They brought me here to the Gladium Quarter, where I was held until the cease-fire. On the day it was signed, I was once again a free man.
- Things change. I've been here so long, I've grown to love the ingenuity and organization of the city. I'm a welder's apprentice now.
- I see. I wish you well.
Why haven't you resumed trading?
- I see. Thanks for chatting.
So you surrendered?
- I'm in no position to judge you. Farewell.
What are you doing here?
- There aren't many of us here. Have you met Al?
- He calls himself Al'Seen. He's deluded, but harmless. He used to be a soldier in Ebonhawke.
- His unit was cut off behind enemy lines. They weren't heard from for weeks. Finally, a patrol stumbled across Alain. The sole survivor.
- So what brought you to the Black Citadel?
- Yeah, that's not suspicious. See you.
A soldier?
- "Deluded" may not be strong enough. He thinks he's the incarnation of some Elonian legend. But he's not even Elonian. And probably not a legend.
- How did he get that way?
- You've been very helpful. Good-bye.
- I don't have time to hear his life story.
- I haven't. Good-bye.
I haven't seen too many other humans around.
- That's why I keep moving. Good-bye.
- His name might be a reference to the 66th United States Secretary of the Treasury, Donald Regan.