Defend the gift dolyak and Ho-Ho-Tron during their delivery

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the event during Wintersday 2014 and up. For the event during Wintersday 2013, see Defend the gift dolyak and Ho-Ho-Tron during their delivery (2013).

Defend the gift dolyak and Ho-Ho-Tron during their delivery

Interactive map

Interactive map path

Defend the gift dolyak and Ho-Ho-Tron during their delivery is a group event that occurs in Divinity's Reach during A Very Merry Wintersday.


  • Defend the gift dolyak and Ho-Ho-Tron during their delivery.
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 13,335 Experience.png 180 Karma 42 Copper coin
Silver Experience.png Karma Copper coin
Bronze Experience.png Karma Copper coin

These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






When the skritt gift raiders appear
Replica Ho-Ho-Tron: Assistance—required. Skritt—are—attacking—the—dolyak.
Replica Ho-Ho-Tron: Stop—the—skritt. The—donations—must—reach—their—destination.
Replica Ho-Ho-Tron: Warning. Unauthorized—interaction—with—caravan. Attempting—distraction: Shoo. Shoo.
Upon event success
Replica Ho-Ho-Tron: Gifts—and—dolyak—delivered. Commencing—victory—gyrations—in—3...2...1...
Replica Ho-Ho-Tron: Wintersday—spirit—elevated. Community—service—duration—decreasing.
If event fails
Replica Ho-Ho-Tron: This—depletes—my—Wintersday—spirit—level.
Replica Ho-Ho-Tron: Objective—failed. Secondary—objective—engaged: process—dead—dolyaks. Sell—fresh—dolyak—steaks.

Related achivements[edit]


  • The Skritt, while showing as allied NPC, are the foes of the event, and can be attacked by throwing snowballs or kicking them. If not dealt with quickly enough, they will kill the dolyak and the event will fail.
