Defeat the anomalous tentacle and close the rift
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Defeat the anomalous tentacle and close the rift
Defeat the anomalous tentacle and close the rift are level 80 dynamic events that occur at various places around Amnytas.
- Push Back the Kryptis
- Time before Kryptis succeed: 10:00
- Anomalous Tentacle
- Time before Kryptis succeed: X:XX (continues timer from previous objective)
- Elite Avatar of Despair/Envy/Gluttony/Malice/Rage/Regret
- Time before Kryptis succeed: X:XX (continues timer from previous objective)
- Anomalous Tentacle
- Time before Kryptis succeed: X:XX (continues timer from previous objective)
- Close the Rift
- Time before Kryptis succeed: X:XX (continues timer from previous objective)
Interactive map[edit]
- Captain Emund
- Frode
- Gol
- Head Cartographer Pavish
- Livia
- Lyhr
- Narcisse
- Peitha (voice only)
- R'tchikk
- Uenno
- Vanak Faithwalker
- Yasko Ironquill
- Zizel
- Anomalous Tentacle
- Incarnation of Cruelty
- Incarnation of Judgement
- Incarnation of Terror
- Terrorling
- The Corrupted
- The Craven
- The Cursed
- The Tormented
- One of the following:
- Box of Concoctions (Only in Bastionmere)
- Tentacle Rift
- At the south wall of Great Debate Hall in the Bastion of Balance
- Lyhr: Think to scare us with some rifts, feed on our fears? Won't find anybody scared here, eh!
- Lyhr: We're gonna laugh in your spiny faces and spit on your shattered horns! Laugh with me, friends! (laugh)
- Lyhr: Kryptis first, all! Anything flies outta that hole, send it back deader than it came in.
- Lyhr: Lot less scary as corpses, aren't they? Now for that tentacle...
- Lyhr: Not gonna go easy. All the more satisfying when the job's done, eh?
- Lyhr: Use Balance Bringer! Smash the curse! Stop death in its tracks!
- Lyhr: Ah, an uninvited guest. Looks hungry.
- Lyhr: (spits) Let's give this repulsive bastard something to chew on, shall we?
- Peitha: How vulgar. His anger is delicious, though.
- Lyhr: The tentacle! Hack it to bits! Make stew out of this beast! We'll feed on them for once!
- Lyhr: Watch the skies. Use your skyscale to wipe out anything above the ground.
- Lyhr: That's it! Seal it up! Lock 'em out! Swallow the key!
- Lyhr: Yes! Back to Nayos with you! Go curl up and die, beast!
- Lyhr: It's done. We're done. For now. Settle down. Take a breath.
- Lyhr: All is lost. (roars) Go down swinging! Take as many of the bastards with you as you can. (event failure)
- At Vass Memorial Medical Plaza in the Bastion of Balance
- Gol: Combat frenzy with serenity. They are the storming tide. We, the unmoving seawall.
- Gol: Don't allow the tentacle to distract. Dedicate yourself to our task—subdue the Kryptis first.
- Gol: I feel them probing my mind. I will not be goaded.
- Gol: A death curse. Remain calm. Use Balance Bringer to dispel it.
- Gol: The rift will not close with that tentacle obstructing it. Sometimes violence can't be helped.
- Gol: We must kill, so do it swiftly.
- Gol: A High Kryptis intervenes. Anchor your thoughts. Focus on its destruction. Determination, not hatred.
- Gol: Again, we must forcibly remove this tentacle. Regrettable, but it was they who chose violence.
- Gol: The Heart of the Obscure. Wield it. Seal them in Nayos.
- Gol: Resisting the urge to hate these creatures... It is strenuous work. But we've earned a respite. However brief.
- Gol: I will not succumb. I will not counter evil with evil. Even in death. I MUST NOT HATE! (event failure)
- At Creature Corral in the Bastion of the Natural
- Zizel: (gulp) I...I'm not ready. I'm not...
- Zizel: That's...not good. Do I have enough concoctions? Myak, they're already spilling from the portal. We need to staunch the flow.
- Zizel: Watch the tentacle! Watch it! If they get a hold of...of me...
- Zizel: Throw my concoctions at them! Packed 'em down with sap from an Elonian obesum. Very toxic plant. Powerful punch.
- Zizel: F-focus on the tentacle! It isn't harmless, but it won't knock you out in one swoop.
- Zizel: Are we making any progress? That...that's a big one. Surely, we won't... We can't...
- Zizel: It's shielding the tentacle! We stand no chance of stopping this until we kill that Kryptis!
- Zizel: Meteors? Watch out!
- Zizel: The...shield is down? The shield is down! Quickly now, strike it down before another erupts in its place!
- Zizel: Close it! Close it! CLOSE IT! You have the Heart—USE IT!
- Zizel: (panting) My feet are on the ground. The likelihood of another supper with my comrades rises... You're okay, Zizel. You're okay.
- Zizel: (deep breath) This is... this is it? Galrath, my friend— wherever you are, it was an honor. (event failure)
- In the courtyard to the west of the Cellar of Arcana in the Bastion of Knowledge
- R'tchikk: They come. R'tchikk feels fear. But without fear, there is no bravery. Thankfully skritt has strong friends.
- R'tchikk: So many Kryptis. And that tentacled creature... But the Kryptis must fall first. Avoid the tentacle, fight the demons!
- R'tchikk: Don't worry, Glade. The commander never loses. Hmm...mostly never.
- R'tchikk: The Kryptis are beaten. That could've gone worse, eh? Now for this tentacled beast. Attack!
- R'tchikk: See, Glade? Nothing to fear with strong friends by our side.
- R'tchikk: The beast's armor, it's much too strong. Use the ward breaker!
- R'tchikk: High Kryptis! R'tchikk spoke too soon. The fear returns.
- R'tchikk: There is no choice; that Kryptis guards the tentacled beast. It must be destroyed, fear or no!
- R'tchikk: The tentacle is vulnerable. Pummel the beast! Together!
- R'tchikk: The Heart of the Obscure. Close the rift! Now!
- R'tchikk: Ha-ha! Just as skritt said, Glade! Strong friends always overcome strong enemies!
- R'tchikk: Failure. We are beaten. R'tchikk was right to fear. What happens now? Glade? Commander? (event failure)
- At Spiritual Center in the Bastion of the Obscure
- Livia: Impeccable timing as ever, hero. More Kryptis. And they've brought a friend. Have I mentioned how much I dislike them?
- Livia: It bears repeating: I dislike them a great deal.
- Livia: Deal with the Kryptis first. We'll introduce ourselves to that tentacle in due time.
- Livia: I do wonder, do these demons feed on disdain? Let's hope not.
- Livia: Your arcane rifle ought to knock some sense into this stubborn creature. Or knock it senseless, I should say.
- Livia: The Kryptis are clearing. Let's acquaint our weapons with that tentacle, shall we?
- Livia: Just as we're getting to know this tentacle, a High Kryptis interrupts. How uncouth. Let's kill it.
- Livia: Care to teach that avatar some manners, hero?
- Peitha: Are you...friends with this human? She's irritating.
- Livia: To a safe space, quickly!
- Livia: The tentacle is vulnerable now. Let's bring the festivities to a close.
- Livia: Can you close that rift? Then please do. Our guests have outstayed their welcome.
- Livia: Mmm. We make beautiful death together, do we not? Shame we don't get to join forces more often.
- Livia: I... I believed these demons too unsophisticated to best us. I was naive. We all were. It has cost us everything. (event failure)
- At Circle of Rituals in the Bastion of Strength
- Vanak Faithwalker: Always good to take action against the Kryptis.
- Vanak Faithwalker: The rift—stop those Kryptis first. See how they handle a quick punch in the mouth. Move.
- Vanak Faithwalker: Avoid the arm. Don't let them get a bead on you.
- Vanak Faithwalker: Use those grimoire spells. That armor is sure to break down...
- Peitha: The armor, or their confidence... Which breaks first, I wonder.
- Vanak Faithwalker: Yes. Now to close that rift—take the beast's arm off.
- Vanak Faithwalker: Hm. High Kryptis. No time for this delay.
- Vanak Faithwalker: We want the arm, need to cut that one down first. Yesterday.
- Vanak Faithwalker: The eye! It's watching us. Look out for its beam!
- Vanak Faithwalker: Now hammer that arm! Don't give it a second chance.
- Vanak Faithwalker: Use the Heart. Slam the door. Losing isn't an option!
- Vanak Faithwalker: Fast work. Good instincts. You know what you're about.
- Vanak Faithwalker: We're lost. Everyone. These creatures have no honor. They will consume... everything. (event failure)
- At Might's Brink Thicket in the Bastion of Strength
- Yasko Ironquill: Incoming! Stick to Vanak's tactics. Neutralize the Ks[sic]. Strike the tentacle.
- Yasko Ironquill: We've got this, squad! Give me a focused counterattack on those demons.
- Yasko Ironquill: Evade the tentacles, but I need concentrated strikes on the Kryptis. Go! Go!
- Yasko Ironquill: Neutralize the armor. I want grimoire spells on that target!
- Yasko Ironquill: Well executed, squad. Put your attention on those tentacles next!
- Yasko Ironquill: Stay alert. I'll get us through this.
- Yasko Ironquill: Reinforcements! Can't expect your enemies to stick to your plan...
- Yasko Ironquill: It's protecting the tentacle! New tactics, squad. I need your strikes on that avatar. Now!
- Yasko Ironquill: Heads up, squad! Watch for beams from that eye!
- Yasko Ironquill: It's weak! Make the tentacle your new target!
- Yasko Ironquill: Seal the rift, squad! Get the Heart over there. Double-time!
- Yasko Ironquill: Strong work, squad. Proud to fight alongside you.
- Yasko Ironquill: I failed you, squad. This is on me. It's a heavy price, I'm afraid... (event failure)
- Above Museum of Curiosities: Hall of Giants in the Bastion of Knowledge
- Uenno: If we're going to survive this, you'll need to do exactly as I say.
- Uenno: No questions. No mistakes. Just flawless execution. Of Kryptis.
- Uenno: Concentrate on the demons. Don't waste time on that tentacle. Not yet.
- Uenno: Understand? Avoid the tentacle. Remove the Kryptis from the equation.
- Uenno: We must strip away its armor. You'll need the ward breaker!
- Uenno: We've cleared a path. Tentacle next. Quickly. Efficiently.
- Uenno: There's very little room for variables...
- Uenno: Speaking of variables, that is a massive one... Change of plans! That avatar protects the tentacle.
- Uenno: Neutralize the protection. Attack that demon. Immediately!
- Uenno: Beware of those orbs. Take them out, quick as you can.
- Uenno: There, it's vulnerable now. Concentrate on the tentacle. Give it everything we have.
- Uenno: No hesitation—close the rift! Activate the Heart!
- Uenno: Remarkable. Can't say I expected to survive that.
- Uenno: It's done. We had no margin for error. The suffering will be unimaginable. Perhaps we're lucky we won't live to see it. (event failure)
- West of Bastionmere in the Bastion of the Natural
- Narcisse: G-goodness, I... We have to contain this.
- Narcisse: All of you, we need to keep this wound under control. Attack the ones coming out of the portal first.
- Narcisse: The tentacle's quick. Don't stray too close, I predict it's deadly.
- Narcisse: Use those concoctions! I can... I can smell how potent they are.
- Narcisse: Good. Progress! Now, focus on the tentacle. If we damage it little by little, we can get ahead of this.
- Narcisse: Is it growing... stronger, perhaps? Oh, goodness, this isn't good.
- Narcisse: Malignant. We need to destroy the core of this infection before we can make any progress. Focus on the beast; kill it.
- Narcisse: Meteors! Keep an eye on... the Eye!
- Narcisse: It's time. Focus all of your strength on the tentacle. Another will emerge if we're not swift.
- Narcisse: Seal the rift, quickly now! Just as Rian taught you, Wayfinder!
- Narcisse: We did it. We did it. How are we feeling? Count your fingers; take a deep breath.
- Narcisse: Oh, no... Okay, look at me. It's going to be okay. We're together. (event failure)
- At the Cartography Chamber in the Bastion of the Obscure
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Spirits. Here we go. Damn Kryptis can't take a hint. We don't want you here. Get lost!
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Demons and...what? A giant squid tentacle? What do we do?
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Too many Kryptis. Knock their brains in. If they have brains. Don't worry about that...octopus...thing. Yet.
- Peitha: If we have brains?
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Your arcane rifle should have enough kick to stun it. Let 'em have it!
- Head Cartographer Pavish: That's enough demons. Told you you should've stayed home! Now let's get that tentacle!
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Looks like they're sending backup. One of the High Kryptis. (groans)
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Gonna have to deal with it. Wayfinder, get out your gun!
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Find a safe place. Hurry!
- Head Cartographer Pavish: That's the way! Hit the tentacle now! Don't give the beast another chance!
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Quick, use your rift-sealing thing. Now! Before more come through!
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Woo! We're alive! Ha-ha! Back into the rift you crawled out of! Run home to Nayos!
- Head Cartographer Pavish: Oh no. They're too much. Too strong. How did we let this happen? Spirits save us all... (event failure)
- At the Astronomic Nexus Ring in the Bastion of the Celestial
- Captain Emund: Kryptis. They want us dead. We kill them first. Then the tentacle. Nice and simple.
- Captain Emund: They all deserve death. No complications.
- Peitha: That is a gross oversimplification.
- Captain Emund: Only one way to stop that curse—dash in there and hack at it!
- Captain Emund: That's it for the Kryptis. Now let's hit that tentacle.
- Captain Emund: Looks like we've got a guard dog here. Take it down so we can hurt the tentacle.
- Captain Emund: Don't look there! Look away! Look away!
- Captain Emund: Thinkin' we better hit that tentacle now. Hole's not gonna close with that thing in the way.
- Captain Emund: You got any rift-closing tricks up your sleeve? Now's the time!
- Captain Emund: Ah, the simplicity of it. Swing. Crunch. Swing. Crunch. No guilt. No gray area. Us or them.
- Captain Emund: Guess I'm gonna die alongside you. To a damn tentacle. (event failure)
- At the Cosmic Theater Ring in the Bastion of the Celestial
- Frode: They've come to test our mettle. Let's make them regret it.
- Frode: Get to work on those Kryptis. We'll worry about the tentacle once they're handled.
- Frode: Stay out of its way. Take the demons out. We go from there.
- Frode: Launch yourself in there and stop the curse!
- Frode: Now for the tentacle. This'll probably draw some unwanted attention, so prepare yourself for...anything.
- Frode: High Kryptis! We'll need to take care of that thing.
- Frode: Doesn't always feel good to be right, you know?
- Frode: Don't look over there! It'll only cause you pain!
- Frode: That actually worked. Outstanding. Now where were we? The tentacle. Let's kill it.
- Frode: Need to close that rift. This fight's lasted too long already. Seal it!
- Frode: I can't lie, wasn't sure we were going to last much longer. But the job is done.
- Frode: It's over. We can't fight forever. I'm tired. So tired. Arina... (event failure)
Related achievements[edit]
Amnytas: Tentacle Toppler — Successfully participate in Tentacle Rift Closing events. (3
Amnytas: Laugh Like Lyhr Is Watching — Laugh when Lyhr asks you to join in with him. (0
Amnytas: Scales of Dragrimmar — Learn more about the Bastion of Balance and the dwarves to acquire a powerful and ancient weapon. (3