Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Incarnation of Terror

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Incarnations of Terror are spider-like Kryptis found across the Horn of Maguuma, usually found with the Terrorling.


Horn of Maguuma

Event involvement[edit]

Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defeat Nourys, the Eyes of the Abyss (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defend Dagda while she recalibrates the deposits (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Defend Researcher Lezzi as she gathers information about rifts (80)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Escort Major Emund to the Fortress of the Founding (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Escort Researcher Lezzi and her new data about Nayos (80)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Fight your way through the loyalists and reach Nyedra (80)
Event hand (map icon).png [Group Event] Help Lyhr bring order to the debate hall (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Help Min-Ji set up emergency broadcast stations (80)
Event star (tango icon).png Help the Deldrimor defend Droknar’s Light (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Help Zizel test the freshly made concoctions on the Kryptis (80)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Purge Lyhr's corruption (80)
Event cog (tango icon).png Quickly disperse the unstable rift before it explodes (80)
Event flag (tango icon).png Retake the Astral Ward camp from the Kryptis (80)
Event flag (tango icon).png Stop the Kryptis from taking the camp (80)
Invasion (map icon).png TIER 1: Hunt lesser minions to lure out their leader (80)
Invasion (map icon).png [Group Event] TIER 2: Hunt kryptis to lure out their leader (80)
Invasion (map icon).png [Group Event] TIER 3: Hunt kryptis to lure out their leader (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Use grimoire spells to weaken Kryptis (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Mixed Melee and Range
  • Poisons
  • Barrage - Launch out a pool that pulses Weakness.png Weakness and Crippled.png Crippled and summons a Terrorling. These Terrorlings disappear after their summoner dies, and each Incarnation of Terror can only have one Terrorling summoned at a time.
  • Frightening Charge - Charge towards an enemy at range.
  • Toxic Bite - Inflict Poisoned.png1 Poisoned with each bite.
Stolen skills

See also[edit]

Associated items