Defeat Mordremoth's champion (Husk)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the event at Red Rock Bastion. For other uses, see Defeat Mordremoth's champion.

Defeat Mordremoth's champion

Interactive map

Interactive map (Underground)

Defeat Mordremoth's champion is a level 80 group event that occurs underground beneath Red Rock Bastion in Southeastern Silverwastes during The Breach meta event in The Silverwastes. Enter the breach and defeat Mordremoth's Champion Mordrem Husk Copper.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


The Champion Mordrem Husk Copper has a very high defense, and is vulnerable to Condition damage. In addition, Copper summons Mordrem Husk Offshoots which grant it Fury.png Fury and a negligible Regeneration.png Regeneration buff upon death. During the fight, large Poison Bubbles will spawn from the corners of the cavern and slowly move towards the center. These bubbles will heal Copper if they burst anywhere near it. Additionally, they will automatically burst and heal Copper when they reach it. A good strategy is to burst the bubbles away from Copper to prevent the healing.

When Copper is at 20% health, smaller Poison Bubbles will spawn throughout the cavern in far greater numbers. These bubbles will slowly move towards Copper instead of towards the center.

It is a good idea to kite both Copper and the Offshoots, keeping Copper away from the poison bubbles.

It is advised to fight inside the room, not use ranged attacks from the ledge at the entrance of the room. The ranger's pet cannot reach the boss from the ledge and for many professions it is ideal to melee the boss given the higher damage of melee weapons and low risk involved once enough people are in the room. If copper tries to attack someone standing on this ledge he may become momentarily invulnerable and teleport outside of the room, slowing down the fight. This may also cause him to reset, healing him rapidly, if nobody inside the room draws his aggro.

It is very important to keep constant Poisoned.png Poisoned uptime on Copper as it reduces the amount of healing it receives. Skills that strip boons off of Copper are also invaluable.

Contrary to popular belief, it is perfectly fine to use AoE attacks if it increases your damage output on the boss. The extra damage is more than enough to offset any potential extra healing the AoE might cause.





Event start
Warmaster Gritblade: A breach just opened up. Get in there!

Related achievements[edit]


See also[edit]