Category:Grothmar Valley events
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A list of events that occur in Grothmar Valley.
Pages in category "Grothmar Valley events"
The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total.
- Damage the elementals to help Flame Legion siphon their power!
- Defeat Murakai, Doomlore's Bane
- Defeat oozes and deal with any obstructions
- Defeat the creature called from the Ooze Pit
- Defeat the drunk legionnaire!
- Defeat the grand champion ooze!
- Defeat the ley-crazed ooze!
- Defeat the powerful spark!
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Broodmother)
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Devourer)
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Ghost Captain)
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Ghost Mage)
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Parasite Devourer)
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Valg Portermauler)
- Defeat the very real devourer before the cubs are forced to retreat!
- Defend the Flame Legion shaman as he casts his spell to summon Doomlore's Bane by force