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Adolescent Leviathan

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Adolescent Leviathans are young leviathans found in the coastal waters at Seitung Harbor, Kaineng Docks, and the Tumultuous Sea. In Cantha, Fahd al'Eshadhi is hunting the beast. In Janthir Syntri, Scouring Hawk and Discerning Owl are hunting the Leviathan.



Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Fend off the leviathan (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the leviathan (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

Behavior (Cantha)
  • The Leviathan mostly swims around peacefully, gathering a large number of naga to it in the process. Periodically, it will open its mouth and swallow anything in front of it. Its attacks are telegraphed by Fahd al'Eshadhi.
  • If swallowed, the player will become stuck inside the leviathan, gain the Spirits Consumed.png Razor-Sharp Teeth and Tarred.png Digested effects, and begin to lose health quickly. In order to survive, the player and any other fellow victims need to deplete the internal Attack Spots of health, and then attack the creature's Uvula.
  • Instead of adding a stack of Thick Skin every few seconds, its current stacks are actually doubled every few seconds. As a result, once the stacks were reduced to zero, Adolescent Leviathan will no longer gain Thick Skin throughout the fight.
Behavior (Janthir)
  • If swallowed, the player will become stuck inside the leviathan, gain the Tarred.png Digested and Mounts Disabled.png No Mount Use effects, and begin to lose health quickly. In order to survive, the player and any other fellow victims need to deplete the internal Attack Spots of health, and then attack the creature's Uvula.
Defiance bar teal.png (Janthir)
  • Thick Skin (Leviathan).png Thick Skin - Reduces incoming damage by 10 percent per stack. A stack is added every few seconds.  Susceptible to depth charges. (Cantha)
  • Reinforced Armor (Amnytas).png10 Thick Skin - Reduces incoming damage by 10% per stack.  All stacks are removed and slowly regenerate when defiance is broken. (Janthir)
  • Bite - The leviathan snaps its jaws shut, inflicting Vulnerability.png Vulnerability (6s) and Bleeding.png4 Bleeding (6s) on anything caught in them.
  • Body Slam - Spinning quickly, the leviathan slams into anyone in the immediate vicinity, Knockback.png knocking back and inflicting Bleeding.png Bleeding.
  • Tail Swipe - With a deft twist, the leviathan will swat away its target, striking twice and inflicting Bleeding.png2 Bleeding (5s) with each strike.
