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Dialogue for Zephyrites from past Living World releases can be found here.

Ambient dialogue[edit]

Zephyrite (1): The city of Lion's Arch has sent delegates again to try to negotiate a trade agreement with us.
Zephyrite (2): That's a city of pirates, though they claim they're no longer thieves.
Zephyrite (1): The masters would be more accepting if they showed any real interest in our goals and welfare.
Zephyrite (1): I have a shift in the growing room later today, but first I must do my stretches and practice sparring.
Zephyrite (2): Learn much.
Zephyrite (1): I feel it when we come down below the clouds. It's as if a part of my soul is cut off.
Zephyrite (2): You miss the sun. As do I. Don't forget that the sun's rays reach us even through the clouds.
Zephyrite (1): My daughter has begun her Wind lessons. She's taking to it like a little tornado.
Zephyrite (2): You must be very proud.
Zephyrite (1): I hear you passed your rank test. Congratulations.
Zephyrite (2): Thank you kindly. I finally conquered lightning bridges.
Zephyrite (1): And before they conquered you. Well done.
Zephyrite (1): The crystal growers report that they've ground a new load of dust.
Zephyrite (2): Wonderful. We'll wait until we're back on high before we seed the clouds.
Zephyrite (1): You'll find it disorienting. The land doesn't move the way our sanctum does.
Zephyrite (1): I look forward to experiencing it and all those strange people, smells, and sights in the bazaar.
Zephyrite (2): Dangerous people. Do not go alone, and remain as vigilant as the sun's rays while you're there.
Zephyrite (1): Did you hear the warning going around? The masters are concerned that we've attracted too much attention this time.
Zephyrite (2): I heard. They're worried about thieves. We all need to open our awareness while we're land-docked.
Zephyrite (1): I don't understand why we allow strangers to train in our disciplines.
Zephyrite (2): We learn as much from them as they do from us.
Zephyrite (1): True, but aren't we concerned they'll misuse the knowledge?
Zephyrite (2): I'd rather spread knowledge than hide it. Knowledge itself is neutral, but enough of it can change those who would misuse it.
Zephyrite (1): Are we expecting any summits or negotiations to stay with us while we're docked?
Zephyrite (2): Not to my knowledge. The masters didn't want our trading to interfere with anyone's diplomatic efforts.
Teacher and students having a discussion
Zephyrite: The dragons are not inherently evil, children. They're natural. They're forces of nature as are the wind, the sun, and the lightning.
Zephyrite Child: But they kill so many people. Doesn't that make them evil?
Zephyrite: Have you not known wind or sun or lightning to kill people?
Zephyrite Child: Well, yes.
Zephyrite: There you have your answer.
Zephyrite: Glint, my darlings, was the greatest dragon of all, though she was not one of the most powerful.
Zephyrite Child: She spoke to people with her mind.
Zephyrite: That's right. And because she could hear our thoughts, she came to know and love us.
Zephyrite Child: She wanted us to have peace.
Zephyrite: That's right. And because she could hear our thoughts, she came to know and love us.
Zephyrite: Yes, and she died trying to protect us from the forces of nature that would swallow us whole.
Zephyrite Child: Teacher, why do the dragons want to hurt us?
Zephyrite: The dragons are like the ocean tides. They don't think about the people who will be trapped and drowned as they rise.
Zephyrite: They only know that it's time to rise, so they do. If anything, they hunger for magic, the world's magic, which they consume.
Zephyrite: It makes them more powerful and dangerous. It's smart to not get caught in the wrong place when the tide is coming in. Right?
Zephyrite Child: Right!
Zephyrite Child: Who will protect us now that Glint's dead?
Zephyrite: You needn't worry. There are many great people out there who will continue the fight. You've heard of Eir Stegalkin?
Zephyrite Child: She's the great norn who fought beside Glint and nearly killed Kralkatorrik.
Zephyrite: Exactly. She lives still and walks the face of Tyria hunting the dragons. She's not alone, either. She has many allies.
Zephyrite Child: I wish I could meet her one day.
Zephyrite: I wish it for you.
Conversation between a charr and a Zephyrite
Zephyrite: Hi. Are you a charr?
Charr Stranger: Yep. Sure am.
Zephyrite: I've never seen one before. The stories all say charr are super scary, but I don't think you're scary.
Charr Stranger: Excuse me? I'm plenty scary!
Zephyrite: I dunno. I think you're beautiful. Your fur is pretty great!
Charr Stranger: I am not beautiful! Though, my fur is pretty great, isn't it? (chuckle) See ya 'round, cub.
Conversation between an asura and a Zephyrite
Asuran Stranger: I really must know. How exactly is it that your city floats? I don't see any turqoplasm or fizzarrays.
Zephyrite: It's magic. Magic of the most ancient kind.
Asuran Stranger: Uh, okay. But, what's your propulsion system? Do you use powered kineogyros or...
Zephyrite: We harness the wind to buoy us and the lightning to give us direction.
Zephyrite: Without wind, we'd fall. Without lightning, we'd stagnate. Without sunshine, we'd starve. All work in harmony.
Asuran Stranger: Ah yes, I finally see. It's the Eternal Alchemy! Only more primitive... er, I mean simplistic. Um... no offense.
Conversation between a sylvari and a Zephyrite
Zephyrite: You... you remember when you were born?
Sylvari Stranger: Why yes! We don't age as you humans do. We emerge fully grown from pods on our mother, the Pale Tree.
Zephyrite: Aspects bless! The world below grows stranger every day.
Conversation between a human and a Zephyrite
Human Stranger: I had no idea you Zephyrites were so beautiful. What is it about living in the sky that produces such loveliness?
Zephyrite: Careful, visitor. I was warned about how silver-tongued you land dwellers can be.
Human Stranger: You wound me! I only live to seek balance... and your favor.
Zephyrite: The first must be learned through study. The second, I'm afraid you'll have to live without. Aspects guide you!