Warmaster Yosif
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Warmaster Yosif
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Warmaster Yosif guards the door to Vigil Headquarters in Vigil Keep.
- (If in the Vigil)
- Good to see you, soldier. Is there anything I can help you with?
- (If not in the Vigil)
- Welcome to the Vigil Keep, headquarters of the order I serve. Do you need anything?
- (If in the Vigil)
- The inner workings of the Vigil headquarters. As a member, you're welcome to come and go as you please.
- (Otherwise)
- That, traveler, is the command center of the Vigil. Only those who are in our order may enter.
- You're a warmaster? What's that? (same as below)
- I see.
What's behind those doors?
- warmaster? What's that?
- It means I have the honor of a leadership role within the Vigil. My superior is Jhavi Jorasdottir, who reports directly to General Soulkeeper.
- General Almorra Soulkeeper is the founder of the Vigil. She created it after her warband was killed by Kralkatorrik himself. She is an honorable and direct leader.
- Can you tell me about Jhavi Jorasdottir? (same as below)
- Thanks for the information.
Can you tell me about General Soulkeeper?
- Can you tell me about Jhavi Jorasdottir?
- I see.
You're a - Fair enough.
- Despite what Yosif says it is possible to enter the headquarters even if your character isn't in the Vigil.