Living World Season 3 content

Lieutenant Bran

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Renown heart NPC repeatable.png

Lieutenant Bran


Interactive map

Lieutenant Bran is a Renown Heart NPC and a member of the Seraph in Doric's Landing. Aid the front-line defense of Doric's Landing, and she will begin offering items as a karma merchant.


Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Jade Shard.png Bundle of Jade Shards Service Exotic 2,688 Karma
Mini Convalescent Logan.png Mini Convalescent Logan Miniature Rare 105,000 Karma + 25 Jade Shard
Seraph Protector.png Seraph Seraph Protector Shield Exotic 210,000 Karma + 50 Jade Shard
Justiciar's Pendant.png Justiciar's Pendant Amulet Exotic 42,000 Karma
Friend of Noran.png Frontline Defender
(Only if the Lake Doric Master collection is active.)
Trophy Exotic 7,000 Karma


Before completion
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Welcome to Doric's Landing, Commander. We could really use your help getting the Seraph in shape for the fight against the White Mantle.
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find the rations to deliver to Seraph soldiers?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Our rations specialist is stationed near the main entrance to Divinity's Reach. He'll have a pile ready for delivery.
Talk more option tango.png Once I've found them, where should I bring the rations?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png There are Seraph deployed throughout Doric's Landing. If they're not sleeping or leading an operation, you can bet they'll be happy to take whatever rations you've got available.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for the information.
Talk more option tango.png How do I discipline the Seraph militia?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Despite everything, you'll find some Seraph here and there trying to sneak in some extra shut-eye while the rest of us work our tails off. If you see anybody slacking off, give 'em a rude awakening.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for the information.
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find the scouts for intelligence reports?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png We have three scouts stationed throughout the piers: one in the watchtower to the north, one along the piers outside the gates to Divinity's Reach, and another south of here overlooking New Loamhurst.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for the information.
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find the beached ships?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Most of the wreckage is localized just east of here—ships stranded when the lake was drained by the White Mantle. Keep an eye out for goods scattered around the wrecks.
Talk more option tango.png If I find these goods, where should I bring them?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png We've got a rations specialist stationed to the north, just outside of the main gate to Divinity's Reach. You can drop the goods off with him.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for the information.
Talk end option tango.png Happy to help.
After completion
Complete heart (map icon).png Thank you for your assistance around the HQ, Commander. We needed it.
Karma.png Do you have any goods for sale?
Talk end option tango.png Happy to help.

Related achievements[edit]