Holo Branded Hydra
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Holo Branded Hydra
“It's got more heads than you've got hands. Try not to get swallowed by the Branded Hydra!
Holo Branded Hydra is a Holographic Dragon Minion created for Dragon Bash, made in the image of a Branded Hydra. It is the third round's champion inside the Dragon Arena.
Combat abilities[edit]
- Abilities
- Summons Meteors
- Summons Minions
- Charges
- Behavior
- Once it reaches certain amounts of HP, its heads are cut off, spawning Veteran Holo Branded Hydra Heads.
- Effects
- Energized Hologram - Each stack increases health and damage output. (During Dragon Arena Survival)
- Holographic Strain - The hologram's presence causes all foes within range to take damage every 3 seconds. (During Dragon Arena Survival, after gaining 6 stacks of Energized Hologram)
- Skills
- Crystal Meteor - Meteors that stun foes when it lands. After a delay, the meteors explode, dealing damage, and leaving behind Flame Pools. The Pools pulse damage, as well as Slow and Torment
- Claw - A melee attack that applies Bleeding.
- Crystallized Charge - A charging attack that knocks back, and leaves a trail of purple flames that applied Crippled.
- Crystalline Breath - A large cone attack that knocks back and applies Torment.
- Stolen skills
Related achievements[edit]
Dragon Bash: Masters of the Arena — Defeat the first 5 holographic champions in the Dragon Bash Arena. (0
Dragon Bash: So Lifelike — Vanquish holographic dragon minions. (15
Daily Dragon Bash: Arena Gladiator — Defeat a champion boss in the Dragon Bash Arena. (0
Daily Dragon Bash: Minion Masher — Vanquish holographic dragon minions. (0
Daily Dragon Bash: Worldwide Dragon Basher — Participate in the Hologram Stampede or defeat any champion enemies across Tyria. (0
Dragon Bash Feats: (Annual) Masters of the Arena — Defeat all 6 holographic champions in the Dragon Bash Arena. This achievement can be completed once per year. (0
Dragon Bash Feats: Arena Slayer — Defeat the first 5 holographic champions in the Dragon Bash Arena. (5