Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat

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Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Janthir Syntri.


  • Wild Cabbages / Pomegranates / Wild Carrots
    Event bar.jpg   /     /     
    Your contribution: x
  • Raw Meat
    Event bar.jpg   
    Your contribution: x


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Goal of this event is to collect as much food as possible. NPCs will pick the vegetables and help fill up the vegetable progress bar. Picking up any plant based food, will make any animal around this plant hostile. Killing these animals can drop an "Animal Meat". This animal meat can be seen only by the player and NPCs will not pick it up. It can be carried to the Foraging Collection Box or it can also be dropped back onto the ground, converting it into "Raw Meat" that can now be seen and picked up by other players as well.



Charr (Astral Ward)
Humans (Astral Ward)
Kodan (Lowland Kodan)
Sylvari (Astral Ward)





Near Garden of Loetor[edit]

Event start
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Listen up, ward. That storm's rolling in fast, and Mists interference is gonna get high when it does.
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Best we can do is help everyone at camp shelter in place.
Astral Ward Protector: Yes, sir!
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Good. Gather up whatever food you can find. Look for produce and proteins.
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Not sure what all is edible here, but I'm sure the lowlanders will course-correct us if we pick up anything bad.
Running into event
On delivery
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Pile's getting big.
Astral Ward Skirmisher: I'd eat it. But I'm not picky.

Astral Ward Skirmisher: (sniffs) Smells fine to me.
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Our output here will reflect on the ward.
Completing one of the progress bars
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Clouds are getting thick. Don't like that. At least we're about done here.
If event is being done ~15 mins before the start Of Mists and Monsters
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Better wrap this up before the storm hits... Hungry soldiers are closer to death than they are to life.
Event success
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Good work. That's a full basket. Can you get this back to camp, Solana?
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Hopefully this'll make some of the lowlanders a little less wary of our presence. Same enemy. Just hungry.

Northeast of The First Bloodtree[edit]

Event start
Running into event
Kodan Landspeaker (1): That storm has an aura that I do not like... We need to move now, or we'll be trapped without food.
On delivery
Kodan Landspeaker (1): All going to the same place.
Kodan Landspeaker (1): That'll fill the belly of a bearkin, it will.
Completing one of the progress bars
Kodan Landspeaker (1): Aye! Our venture is nearing success, it is.
Event success
Kodan Landspeaker (2): Hey, thank you, friend. Didn't have to do too much myself.
Kodan Landspeaker (1): Manners, Son. Don't let Poky rub off on you. That boy acts like a cub.
Kodan Landspeaker (2): Sure, Paw.
Kodan Landspeaker (1): Your help arrived with comforting timing, Wayfinder. This'll get us through another night.
If event is completed while countdown for the Of Mists and Monsters is up
Kodan Landspeaker (2): D-did you feel that?
Kodan Landspeaker (1): I did. Storm's coming in faster than I expected. We need to get somewhere secure.

Near Cliffside Lookout[edit]

Event start
Running into event
Kodan Stoutheart: Hrm. Storm's comin' in fast. Wayfinder, lend us a paw? Food stores are already running low.
Kodan Stoutheart: C'mere, Wayfinder. Need to fill our food stores if we stand a chance against the storm.
On delivery
Kodan Stoutheart: I'd eat it.
Kodan Stoutheart: Good enough, it is.
Kodan Stoutheart: Bit bruised, but the soup can't tell.
Kodan Stoutheart: Everything helps.
Completing one of the progress bars
Kodan Stoutheart: Bout there. A few more slabs and we'll be eating just fine.
Event success
Kodan Stoutheart: Tired, are you? From lifting a paw without the aid of magic?
Astral Ward Mage: Not so bad, eh?
Kodan Stoutheart: Reasonable work. Sure everyone will appreciate a good meal tonight. C'mon, let's get moving before the storm hits.

Northeast of Forager's Hunt Waypoint[edit]

(NPCs might vary)
Event start
Running into event
Kodan Landspeaker: Wayfinder! Have you a moment to help? Fresh vegetables and meat are needed for the base.
On delivery
Kodan Landspeaker: Good find!
Kodan Landspeaker: Our haul grows.
Kodan Landspeaker: That looks edible!
Kodan Landspeaker: Ah, this should do nicely.
Completing one of the progress bars
Kodan Landspeaker: We've nearly enough. Just a little more should do it.
Event success
Kodan Landspeaker: A bountiful harvest, to be sure. Blessings upon you, Wayfinder.
Kodan Landspeaker: See, young one? Independence is important, yes. But there's no shame in asking for help on occasion.
Kodan Stoutheart: Hmph. Perhaps.

East of Old Hutment Site North Vista[edit]

Event start
Kodan Stoutheart: I'd hate to ask more of you. The Astral Ward has been so kind...
Astral Ward Mage: No bother, ma'am. What are we doing? Gathering food?
Kodan Stoutheart: Mm. Anything you find. The soil here is dense, but it is perfect for root vegetables. Ripe with minerals.
Kodan Stoutheart: Oh! And some wild game for meat. Can you manage that?
Astral Ward Mage: I'm on it.
Running into event
Kodan Stoutheart: Ah, Wayfinder! Please. If that storm rolls in before we're ready, we'll be out of food in an hour.
On delivery
Kodan Stoutheart: A natural, you are!
Kodan Stoutheart: Perfect.
Kodan Stoutheart: Good, almost there.
Completing one of the progress bars
Kodan Stoutheart: Just a bit more, and we'll have plenty to feed everyone. Tomorrow will be easier with a full belly.
Event success
Kodan Stoutheart: That's it―just enough. This harvest is perfectly balanced.
Kodan Stoutheart: I'll carry this back to camp. Everyone will be grateful. Thank you.

In Storm's Border[edit]

Event start
Running into event
Astral Ward Protector: Last I checked, our rations were quite shallow... We should probably take care of that before the storm arrives.
On delivery
Astral Ward Protector: A little more of that, perhaps.
Astral Ward Protector: Well on our way.
Astral Ward Protector: Can't say I'm familiar with local cuisine, but that looks good to me.
Astral Ward Protector: Check... Check...
Completing one of the progress bars
Astral Ward Protector: Nearly done! We'll be headed back to camp before we know it. Thank goodness.
Event success
Astral Ward Protector: Excellent. This is plenty, thank you.
Astral Ward Protector: I'll get this back to the lowlanders to be properly prepared. You should decide where you want to be when the storm hits.


On delivery
Kodan Stoutheart: Ah, this should do nicely.
Event failure due to approaching Of Mists and Monsters
Kodan Stoutheart: (gasps) The storm!
Kodan Stoutheart: There's no time. We must get to shelter before the strangers emerge.

Related achievements[edit]
