Crystal Sliver

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Crystal Sliver.png

Crystal Sliver

Item type
Crafting material
Material type
Rare material
Mat. storage
Advanced Crafting Materials
Disciplines used by
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png 25
Artificer tango icon 20px.png 0
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png 0
Tailor tango icon 20px.png 0
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png 25
Copper coin
Game link
Trading post
External links


Dropped by[edit]

This item is not dropped by any creature. It may not have been added to the drop table yet.

Contained in[edit]

Map Bonus Reward[edit]

It is currently Week 2

Used in[edit]

Mystic Forge

Item Rarity Ingredients
Azure Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Azure Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Azure Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Azure Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Azure Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Azure Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Crimson Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Crimson Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Crimson Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Crimson Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Crimson Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Crimson Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Crystal Fragment.png Crystal Fragment Rare
Crystal Fragment.png Crystal Fragment (x4) Rare
Emerald Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Emerald Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Emerald Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Emerald Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Emerald Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Emerald Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Saffron Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Saffron Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Saffron Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Saffron Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic
Saffron Condensed Ley-Line Essence.png Saffron Condensed Ley-Line Essence Basic

Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png Armorsmith

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Minor Rune of the Brawler.png Minor Rune of the Brawler Masterwork 25

Artificer tango icon 20px.png Artificer

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Minor Sigil of Frailty.png Minor Sigil of Frailty Masterwork 0

Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png Leatherworker

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Minor Rune of the Thief.png Minor Rune of the Thief Masterwork 0

Tailor tango icon 20px.png Tailor

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Minor Rune of the Mesmer.png Minor Rune of the Mesmer Masterwork 0

Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Weaponsmith

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Minor Sigil of Benevolence.png Minor Sigil of Benevolence Masterwork 25