Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Champion Lucid Boulder

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Champion Lucid Boulders are powerful rocky titanspawn found in tier 3 Rift Hunting events and in the Mount Balrior raid.



Event involvement[edit]

Mists Rift (map icon).png [Group Event] TIER 3: Lure out the rift target and defeat it (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Creates Energy
  • Knocks Down
  • Protected

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png (unlocked when casting Seismic Reverberation)

  • Protection.png Protection (30s; reapplied every 10s) — Incoming damage decreased by 33%; stacks duration.
  • Crashing Fists — Basic melee autoattack. Strikes the ground with one forelimb, applying Vulnerability.png4 Vulnerability (10s).
    • Redirect Arrow.png Crashing Fists — Strikes the ground with the other forelimb, applying Vulnerability.png4 Vulnerability (10s).
      • Redirect Arrow.png Crashing Fists — Swipes at the target with a forelimb.
        • Redirect Arrow.png Crashing Fists — Slam at the target with a forelimb, inflicting Confusion.png5 Confusion.
  • EarthfallLeaps at the target and slams its fists down on them, dealing heavy damage and inflicting Knockdown.png Knockdown (3s).
    • Seismoelectricity — Bursts of electricity shoot out from where the titanspawn landed.
  • Seismic Reverberation - Repeatedly slam the ground and reverberate the area around you.
    • Redirect Arrow.png Seismic Echo - Small areas of reverberation extend outwards and inflict Weakness.png Weakness.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Janthiri Gear Box.png Janthiri Gear Box Container Exotic 1