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The Charr Disassociation

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The Charr Disassociation

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The Charr Disassociation is a book found at the Forager's Hunt and at the Durmand Priory during Titan Researcher.


Janthir Wilds
Shiverpeak Mountains


The Charr Disassociation

Chapter Seven: The Titans

While the Priory has been working with the charr legions to restore several documents that long predate the peace agreements, we've found some glaring gaps in our knowledge about charr culture following the slaying of the titans and Vizier Khilbron. We do know that the charr were rattled as a people as they witnessed their "gods" being destroyed, but our understanding of the ripple effects that moment had on larger charr society is a fascinating void of knowledge. We've found some references to that period labeled as "the charr disassociation."

It's easy to draw a line between that revelation and the culture of charr today, who are largely empathetic and eager to participate in global dialogue while other subfactions still lean on those archaic ways. We know that the charr very quickly revolted against the shamans that demolished their society, and the titans served as that catalyst. Enough tensions were in place, though, that the catalyst was well timed in its eruption. Devastating for their spirituality—but modern charr leaders would argue that it was inevitable and critical in helping them find their footing post-Foefire.

In order to understand why the charr experienced such a significant transition, we must understand the catalyst: the titans. While we now know that they moved on Khilbron's order, we've gathered little detail about the species themselves (if I can call a creation a species).

Through our research, we've uncovered one of the first instances of interaction between a titan and a charr. Caesetia Flamecaller, a young cub from the Flame Legion, heard a low whisper in the forest. The voice said menacing things that frightened the cub, so she immediately headed home to inform her warband's leaders. Being female, her warning was ignored, but when she heard that whisper a second time—and then a third—she brought her brother into the woods to listen to it. Crispus, the boy, ran to their sire, and the warband was dispatched immediately. We believe Crispus became a shaman. Caesetia would eventually join Kalla Scorchrazor.

Addendum on the "charr disassociation": This may refer to the full period from the titans' arrival until just after their slaying, which is preferred by some charr archivists and researchers, given the species' rich history predating the titan interference.

Related achievements[edit]

  • Janthir Side Stories.png Janthir Side Stories: Titan ResearcherAssist Farrah Baelseeker in researching the titans by working with the kodan and Astral Ward to see what information they've gathered. (5Achievement pointsJanthir Wilds mastery point)


The text mentions that Caesetia Flamecaller, who was one of the first interactions between a titan and a charr, joined Kalla Scorchrazor. However, the charr encountered the titans around 870 AE, and Kalla Scorchrazor's rebellion took place in 1116 AE, which is about a 246 year difference. It is possible the text means to reference Bathea Havocbringer, who revolted against the Shaman Caste after they declared the titans new gods for the charr