Steady Ground

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Steady Ground


Interactive map

Steady Ground was a kodan found at the Song of Final Exile. He used to be an elementalist trainer.


Shiverpeak Mountains


In times of peace and serenity, when the Claw falls, the Voice retires to keep the harmonious pair sacred.
Talk more option tango.png With the loss of your Claw, why isn't your Voice stepping down?
The tribulations of Koda's children have been great during our journey to this land. Until we have secured ourselves, it would be dangerous to lose both our guides.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk end option tango.png I see.


Historical items offered

One of 65 different trait guides, one for every major trait of that profession. The following are the cost of the guides.

Tier Number(s) Cost
Adept I–VI 10 Silver coin 0 Copper coin + 2 skill point
Master VII–X 50 Silver coin 0 Copper coin + 5 skill point
Grandmaster XI–XII 1 Gold coin 50 Silver coin 0 Copper coin + 10 skill point
Grandmaster XIII 3 Gold coin 0 Silver coin 0 Copper coin + 20 skill point

To see what major traits are available please see your profession's trait table.

Historical dialogue

To elementalist characters:

I can sell you trait guides.
Talk merchant tango.png Show me your guides.
Talk end option tango.png I'm not ready yet.

To characters of other professions:

I sense no elemental power in you. Go find a trainer more suited to your skills.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.