Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content

Quartermaster Vec

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Quartermaster Vec


Interactive map

Quartermaster Vec is a former Faction Provisioner for Outpost: Pact Encampment in Verdant Brink.


Heart of Maguuma
  • Verdant Brink
    • Stonetwist Paths - next to Waypoint (map icon).png Pact Encampment Waypoint


Some weird hylek out here.
We should burn the damn jungle to the ground.
Finally found a place worse than Orr.
Gotta find the rest of my detail.


  • Before the Spring Quarterly Update of April 19, 2016, his provisioner services would only appear after the completion of the Outpost: Pact Encampment meta-event. The update made his services available at any time during the Verdant Brink meta.
  • As of the September 18, 2018 update, this provisioner is no longer interactable at any time. All provisioner services of Verdant Brink have been combined within Quartermaster Natomi at Waypoint (map icon).png Shipwreck Peak Waypoint.
  • He used to exchange a rare level 80 Valkyrie-stat crafted shield, warhorn, staff, or chest armor for a Provisioner Token once per day.