Living World Season 3 content


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Flamebearers are kodan guarding the Braziers of Koda and sharing stories about Koda's Flame. They are usually accompanied by a Flamebearer-in-Training.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Koda's Reach.png Koda's Reach (1 in total) Service Exotic 250 Unbound Magic
Enflame.png Enflame (1 in total) Service Exotic 500 Unbound Magic
Koda's Breath.png Koda's Breath (1 in total) Service Exotic 750 Unbound Magic
Koda's Rebirth.png Koda's Rebirth (1 in total) Service Exotic 1,000 Unbound Magic


In Frostgorge Sound, after involvement in Journey to Bitterfrost Frontier
I've told you all I can. You must go north to learn more. May Koda guide you.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
In Bitterfrost Frontier, before completing Koda's Flame mastery
First, you must train at sharing fire. Take a torch, and light every brazier you find. Return to a flamebearer when you are ready to undertake more advanced study.
Talk more option tango.png What more can you tell me?
What would you like to know?
Talk more option tango.png Origin of the Flame
Flamebearer: In the beginning the Ancient One told the first kodan to watch and learn, protect and guide the world's spirit.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Is this the part about quaggan?
Flamebearer: No. Hush, little apprentice. As I was saying...
Flamebearer: Some kodan guided the spirits of stone. Others the spirits of water. Of plants and birds and creeping things.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Like quaggan.
Flamebearer: From Koda's eye, our tribe accepted the spirit of fire. Small and meek, it could only go where the kodan carried it.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Like quaggan.
Flamebearer: As we carried the spirit, it grew in size and speed. Suddenly, it carried itself. spreading throughout the world.
Flamebearer-in-Training: OooOoooOoo...
Flamebearer: Go now. Carry the spirit of fire as my forebears did. Watch and learn how it grows larger and faster.
In Bitterfrost Frontier, after completing Koda's Flame mastery
You've proven yourself a strong and loyal ally to the kodan. How may I reciprocate?
Talk merchant tango.png Teach me.
Talk more option tango.png What more can you tell me?
What would you like to know?
Talk more option tango.png Origin of the Flame (Same as above)
When you have learned Koda's Reach:
Talk more option tango.png Rage of the Flame (Same as below)
When you have learned Enflame:
Talk more option tango.png Shelter of the Flame (Same as below)
When you have learned Koda's Breath:
Talk more option tango.png Wisdom of the Flame (Same as below)
Talk end option tango.png On second thought... Nevermind.
Talk end option tango.png Not right now. Thanks.
In Bitterfrost Frontier, after obtaining all of the skills
You have truly mastered the spirit of fire. May Koda's blessing guide you, Flamebearer.
Talk more option tango.png What more can you tell me?
What would you like to know?
Talk more option tango.png Origin of the Flame (Same as above)
Talk more option tango.png Rage of the Flame
Flamebearer: Do you know why the first kodan stood on hind legs to talk?
Flamebearer-in-Training: Uhh...quaggan forgot.
Flamebearer: To ask why. Why is there an endless cycle of creation and destruction? Why do we live, if we're only to die?
Flamebearer-in-Training: Quaggan lives to eat fish.
Flamebearer: And the fire lives to eat all living things. We kodan learned much about destruction and death from fire.
Flamebearer: Fire made other spirits sad, and Koda was not pleased. He demanded that we guide the spirit, teach it where to go.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Where did you send it?
Flamebearer: To the things that needed balance. Go now, teach the fire to balance the corrupted ones.
Talk more option tango.png Shelter of the Flame
Flamebearer: In our eagerness to understand, the kodan have—on occasion—failed to understand.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Quaggan misunderstands on occasion too.
Flamebearer: When Koda called, we taught the spirit of fire what to destroy. Then we suffered Koda's rage.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Wait. Quaggan doesn't understand!
Flamebearer: After the Time of Great Trial, the kodan realized that we were also charged with teaching fire about creation.
Flamebearer: The kodan then taught the spirit life. We gave fire a home in our sanctuaries. It learned to warm us.
Flamebearer-in-Training: And warm kodan's food!
Flamebearer: Go now. Teach the fire to give warmth and to shelter you from the storm.
Talk more option tango.png Wisdom of the Flame
Flamebearer: After a great many years passed, the spirit of fire no longer needed kodans to survive.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Why?
Flamebearer: Because the fire learned all it could by Koda's grace. It had become wise.
Flamebearer-in-Training: But why?
Flamebearer: By Koda's profound wisdom, the kodan would teach the spirits so, in turn, spirits could teach the kodan harmony.
Flamebearer-in-Training: But why?
Flamebearer: Because the flame is a pure form of harmony. A fulcrum between creation and destruction where all living things exist.
Flamebearer-in-Training: But whyyyy?
Flamebearer: Because that is Koda's will. All things exist by Koda's grace. Go now, watch, and learn how the flame gives and takes.
Talk more option tango.png Spirit of the Flame
Flamebearer: After many years of harmony, the spirit of fire grew old, and the time came for it to leave this world.
Flamebearer-in-Training: NoooOoOoo...
Flamebearer: But in its absence, its essence lives on. Our sanctuary holds the last remaining flame begot by spirit itself.
Flamebearer: When the time comes to return to Koda, our tribe's essence will also live on—in anyone who carries this sacred fire.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Ooh! This is the part about quaggans.
Flamebearer: Yes, like the flame, our tribe has offered to shelter and share with any who would do the same—like the quaggans.
Flamebearer-in-Training: Coo.
Flamebearer: Go, knowing the ultimate wisdom of Koda's Flame. Before your own flame dies, may you breathe much life into the world.
Talk end option tango.png On second thought... Nevermind.
Talk end option tango.png Alright.

Related achievements[edit]