Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Fight off the Kryptis ambush

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Fight off the Kryptis ambush

Bastion of the Obscure
Event type
Event swords (tango icon).png Dynamic event
Interactive map

Interactive map

Fight off the Kryptis ambush is an event that occurs in Amnytas' Bastion of the Obscure. It starts at Point of interest (map icon).png Spiritual Center.


  • Kryptis Ambushers Remaining
  • Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Time remaining before you succumb: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.
Three of the following


Reaching the Spiritual Center despite Peitha's warnings about the whispers seeming off will reveal them to be a ruse to lure the wayfinder into a Kryptis ambush. Kill the respawning Kryptis reinforcements in the time limit. Occasionally the message "Something is crawling into your mind." will appear, together with a black border around the screen, bestow Determined.png Invulnerability and shortly afterwards teleport the wayfinder into a darker room, where they have to fight a Madness.png Kryptis-Possessed clone of themselves. While in this room, they will have the effect Hastened Demise.png Incoming Possession applied to them.




Start of the Event
Gorrik: Commander...
Character Name: G-Gorrik?
Gorrik: Come to the Spiritual Center... Fascinating developments...
Peitha: This "Gorrik" is a friend, isn't he? I can feel it.
Peitha: Tread lightly. Something about your Gorrik
Reaching the Spiritual Center
Peitha: An ambush! Your friend's voice was a ruse!
Peitha: Very clever.
Fighting a clone
One of the following:
Peitha: What nerve! Find your own host!
Peitha: One of them is trying to possess you!
Peitha: No one gets to possess you until I'm done.
<Character Name>: Your body is mine.
<Character Name>: Do not resist.
<Character Name>: Yield.
<Character Name>: Relent…
Fighting a clone a second time during the event
One of the following:
Peitha: Persistent. But futile.
Peitha: Ugh, this again?. The result will be the same…
Half of the ambushers defeated
One of the following:
Peitha: If the goal of this ambush was to bore me to death, they're succeeding.
Peitha: What a sorry excuse for an ambush. Eparch should know better.
Event success
One of the following:
Peitha: Child's play. I expected more from Eparch.
Peitha: And here I was expecting a real challenge.
Peitha: How disappointing. All that deception and scheming, just to be crushed beneath your heel.
Event failure


  • Failing to complete the event in time will first downstate, then shortly after kill every player that participated. It is therefore recommended to unlock Waypoint (map icon).png Bastion of the Obscure Waypoint beforehand.

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