Explorer Campbell
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Explorer Campbell
Explorer Campbell is a Durmand Priory Explorer who's retrieving artifacts from the Tower of Nightmares' ruins and packing them into crates for storage in Fort Salma before they are moved to the Durmand Priory. These artifacts have a similar appearance to Krait Obelisk Shards.
Historical locations[edit]
- Kessex Hills
- Fort Salma (During Gates of Maguuma release)
- Greyhoof Meadows (During Gates of Maguuma release)
Story involvement[edit]
Living World Season 2[edit]
- Episode 5: Echoes of the Past
- During Gates of Maguuma
- I'm tasked with recovering and crating up stray magical artifacts from the wreckage of the Tower of Nightmares.
- For now, we're taking them to Fort Salma, where the Seraph can keep them under guard. Eventually, we'll take them back to the Priory.
- I see. I'll leave you to it.
Where are you bringing the crates?
- We're trying to take any potentially dangerous magical items away from what's left of the Toxic Alliance, though we also want to study these artifacts.
- I'll leave you to your work then.
Why bother recovering these artifacts?
- Good luck.