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Exorcise the possessed researchers

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Exorcise the possessed researchers

Interactive map

Interactive map

Exorcise the possessed researchers is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in the Bastion of the Obscure.


  • Possessed Researchers Exorcised
    Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Time until researchers fully succumb to possession: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Simply damage the possessed ward members down to 10% to unlock their defiance bar. Break it and then defeat the tethered Incarnation of the Parasite that spawns to progress the event.

The possessed researchers can also spawn on the roof of the building so make sure to check there also.





Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: You! I can't trust anyone around here. I'll reconfigure your Heart of the Obscure to scan for signs of possession so you can draw the Kryptis out.
Talk ready option.png I'll see what I can do.
Talk end option tango.png No... The risk is too great.
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: You there. I think some of my colleagues are possessed, and I need help weeding them out. Your Heart of the Obscure should do the job. Hand it over and I'll modify it.
Talk more option tango.png I'll try to draw them out.
Talk end option tango.png No... The risk is too great.
Event start
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: Perhaps if we severed... certain emotional strands. Cut the source of the connection at the root.
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: It could be risky. But this might be the only way...
During the event
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: I wonder how all this...mess would have turned out if Akeem was still with us?
Assistant Mefi: Only Isgarren, Mabon, or Dagda could really say. They fell so long ago, right?
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: Yes... We only have notes and stories now. Which are all...contradictory.
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: One said they were a water djinn; another, earth... A third claimed no one know for certain.
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: Akeem spent much of their time shapeshifting into other species to learn more about them.
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: Regardless, we follow their lead. Question everything. Never accept the reality in front of you.
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: Doubt is just your mind telling you that you're asking the right questions.
When scanning a researcher that is not possessed
Astral Ward Mage: Hey, don't look at me. The probability of my corruption is miniscule.
When a researcher becomes hostile
Possessed Dock Worker: None of us are trustworthy.
Possessed Dock Worker: You accuse me? I am not so weak!
Astral Ward Mage: Spirits of the Wild, preserve me...
After event is completed
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: A resounding success! The prototype seems to have worked, in the short term. But I worry about its long-term effects.
Head Experimenter Rhianwyn: For now, I'll get the victims to safety to safety and monitor them closely. Thank you, Wayfinder.

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