Escort the trading post caravan to Claypool

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Escort the trading post caravan to Claypool

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort the trading post caravan to Claypool is a level 7 dynamic event that occurs in Altar Brook Vale.


  • Pack Bull
  • Event bar.jpgEvent shield (tango icon).png
  • Revive Mona.
  • Revive the Pack Bull.


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 403 Experience.png 50 Karma 11 Copper coin
Silver 343 Experience.png 43 Karma 10 Copper coin
Bronze 303 Experience.png 38 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 7 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


The objective is to escort Mona and her Pack Bull from the Altar Brook Trading Post, across the Altar Brook Crossing, to the Township of Claypool. Keep the animal alive, and Mona can be rallied if downed. Along the way, centaurs will attack periodically. This event will not proceed past Altar Brook Crossing if Waypoint (map icon).png Crossing Waypoint is contested. In order to continue, Event shield (tango icon).png Escort and defend workers sent to rebuild the guard tower (8) must be successfully completed and the watchtower rebuilt.





Interacting with Mona
I need to get these supplies over to Claypool. I could use a skilled fighter to help protect me and my wares. Are you interested?
Talk ready option.png Sure, let's go!
Talk more option tango.png What about that guy? Doesn't he work for you?
That chucklehead? Tried that. We barely got out with our skins last time. Lost an entire shipment. No, I need more than just him to make it to Claypool. So, you interested or not?
Talk ready option.png OK, count me in.
Talk more option tango.png What are you shipping?
Talk end option tango.png Sorry. Not interested.
Talk more option tango.png What kinds of supplies?
Supplies. Food, gear, the sort of stuff people order in wartime. And maybe a few things I can sell off for some extra profit. You in or not?
Talk ready option.png Sure, let's go.
Talk more option tango.png Looks like you already have a guard.
Talk end option tango.png Seems shady. No, thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Maybe another time.
Event start
Mona: Wake up, you motherless ettins! It's time to go.
Seraph Guard: Everything's tied up and ready to go.
Mona: Good. Don't look at me. Don't talk to me. You chat, you die. Let's get going.
During event
Mona: I smell centaur. Get rid of them... NOW!
Mona: Nobody else better mess with my caravan. I'll hang them by their toes and flay them.
Mona: Not again. What is it about my caravan that attract[sic] these centaurs like flies?
Mona: I hear rumbling hooves. You know what that means.
Mona: Here they come again. Make quick work of them.
Mona: Grawl hair! Do something about that, will ya?
Event completion
Mona: Good. I can finally get rid of you. Go do something. Somewhere else.
Seraph Guard: A pleasure, I'm sure. I'll meet you here for the trip back.