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Ms. Blood, the Assassin

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Ms. Blood, the Assassin

Ms. Blood, the Assassin is a valravn near Exorheic Falls. She is a prudent individual, empathising with the need to fight with her kind, and acts almost like a connoisseur of blood.

She can be found north of Delta Bifurcation, on top of the tallest waterfall, as part of the Gettin' the Crew Together achievement. She only appears after successfully finishing the Escort Ardent Gale as she poisons valravn nests event.




While under the effect of Feline Fury.png Animal Tongue

Hmm, you took down the knight, did you? Impressive. I don't blame you for attacking us; we make enemies of all. But your syrupy blood, oh, it sings to me! There is something different...a spice to it?
Talk collection option.png Good to know. Say, would you be interested in a job?
A job? How curious. Perhaps we can make a deal, hmm? One small taste of that nectarous-smelling blood of yours, and I will offer my assistance. Just a bit, mind you; do not worry...
Talk collection option.png Only a tiny bit? I will put you down if you try anything.
Please, do you take me for a fool? I've seen your talent in spilling precious blood. I do not seek to incur your wrath. I only ask for a small sample, to sate my appetite. It smells quite rich...
Talk collection option.png Fine. Then meet Ms. Jeeves in the village. And leave the kodan alone.
Fear not. I've grown tired of their taste. I long for fresh experiences. New, bold flavors, viscous on the palate, heady on the finish...
Talk collection option.png I'm starting to regret this.
Talk end option tango.png This is a bad idea...

After recruiting her

Mmmmm...delightful. Do not worry. I will keep my word. I merely ask that you allow me time to savor the complexities of your offering. Oh, on such a journey it takes me! Hints of floral minerality...
Talk end option tango.png Right, I'll leave you to it.

During the heist briefing

There you are. I could smell the deliciousness coursing through your veins well before you arrived. Could I persuade you to provide another sample perhaps? Oh, the savory nose, the viscous palate, the—
Talk more option tango.png No.
Will you reconsider? I've a business proposition. Blood as fine as yours is quite rare. With the proceeds from the heist, I could open a small tasting room for my fellow valravns. You provide samples—
Talk end option tango.png No.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck!

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