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February 25, 2020
- Doom: This skill now has a casting time and inflicts fear on your foe at 0.64 seconds. The fear duration has been increased from 1 second at a distance (1.5 seconds at close proximity) to 2 seconds on successful hit regardless of distance.
- Profession
Necromancer (skill list)
- Parent skill
- Death Shroud
- Slot
- Transform
- Type
- Shroud
- Game link
“— In-game description
July 01, 2014
- Doom: Updated the fear skill fact to scale correctly with Master of Terror.
August 06, 2013
- Doom: Added an effect that plays on the necromancer when this skill is used.
June 25, 2013
- Doom: This skill now scales based on range.
- If more than 600 units, it will apply 1 second of fear; If less than 600 units, it will apply 1.5 seconds of fear.
- This ability now lists the damage it deals to enemy targets.
“Make your foe flee in fear, increased duration at close range.
- Damage: 24
- Fear (1s): Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration.
- Fear duration under 600 units (1 ½s): Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration.
- Range: 1,200
— In-game description
Original version
“Make your foe flee in fear.
— In-game description