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Dance among the kodan

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Dance among the kodan

Interactive map

Interactive map

Dance among the kodan is a level 80 Group Event in Lowland Shore.
Players must stand in the marked areas and mimic the kodan dances in order to impress the villagers of Harvest Den.


  • Kodan Impressed
    Event bar.jpg
  • Time before dance ends: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


The event occurs twice every night; once immediately after night begins, and a second time 20 minutes after nightfall. Before the event begins, kodan villagers spawn around the brazier where the Keeper of the Groove stands, and the named kodan dancer NPCs Loving Orchid, Dancing Bard, Sheltered Shoal, Steely Dawn, Trampling Herd and Surging Tide will walk to their places in a circle around the brazier.

Once active, the event will mark 6 circular areas in front of the named NPCs that players must stand in in order to gain the dance skills required to complete the event. Each kodan will perform one of the five dances, and players in the circle in front of them must use the corresponding skill in order to gain event progress. Periodically the Keeper of the Groove will change things up and deactivate some of the circles, causing players to possibly have to move to a different circle in order to continue gaining progress. He will first deactivate half of them, leaving 3 circles; then 2, and finally 1, before bringing all the circles back for the finale.

Note that the kodan perform a dance 16 times during the event, and you need 10 consecutive correct dances for the Savant of Dance achievement! Be sure to be at the event in time if you want the best chances of success.

Dance skills[edit]

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
6 Reach for the Stars.png Reach for the Stars No skill description found.
7 Bouncer (skill).png Bouncer No skill description found.
8 Bee's Knees.png Bee's Knees No skill description found.
9 Spin (dance).png Spin No skill description found.
10 Side Step.png Side Step No skill description found.




Event start
Keeper of the Groove: Say there, visitor, join us for a round of dance? The harvest won't celebrate itself. Don't be shy!
Stage changes
Keeper of the Groove: Let us make things interesting. Watch for changing patterns within the dance circle.
Keeper of the Groove: See if you can handle the might of my deft rhythms! Let us dance together!
Keeper of the Groove: Fine footwork. But insult you by going too easy, I'd never! Let's step things up!
Keeper of the Groove: You dance with poise. But our finale has arrived. Let us now....
Keeper of the Groove: SHUCK THEM!!!
Event completion
Keeper of the Groove: An absolute spectacle! The Lore Master will tell of this for ages to come! Dance with us any time, newcomer!
Talking to Keeper of the Groove during event
Keeper of the Groove: We take our dances seriously, so don't you outsiders miss a beat! Follow the moves of the bearkin in front of you.
Talk end option tango.png Noted.


  • The event begins at the start of night.
Previous 2 hoursNext 2 hours
00:00 UTC

Related achievements[edit]