Champion Separatist Leader
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Champion Separatist Leader
Champion Separatist Leader is a powerful Separatist found in the Stronghold of Ebonhawke.
- Fields of Ruin (only during related events)
- Stronghold of Ebonhawke (30)
- Warrior's Crown (36)
Event involvement[edit]
- Defeat the escaped Separatist Leader (30) [Group Event]
- Fight the Separatist assassins at Summit Peak (36) [Group Event]
Combat abilities[edit]
Level 30 variant[edit]
- Abilities
- Teleports
- Inflicts Cripple and Bleeding
- Effects
- Determined - When event starts.
- Skills
- Stolen skills
Level 36 variant[edit]
- Abilities
- Knocks Back
- Effects
- Skills
- Stolen skills
- At Ebonhawke prison as Champion Agitated Prisoner
- (if the player is a sylvari, norn or asura)
- No matter how long you keep me in here our plans won't stop. The right side will prevail, and nothing anyone can do will stop us.
- If you're with me, I'm saying just what you want to hear. If you're not, I didn't say anything at all.
- Whatever, jailbird.
Wait, what are you saying?
- I have no idea what you're talking about. Good-bye.
- (if the player is a human)
- Psst. Hey, come closer. These idiots don't get it, but you might. The queen is handing our land, our heritage, over to the charr. They killed our fathers and grandfathers!
- The treaty is a lie. The queen wants to leave us at the mercy of the charr. Not me. Not my family. Not while the human race is here. You and me, we can make this land as glorious as it once was.
- The humans here, too soft. They are so quick to forget the war. It's time to wake them up, by any means necessary. If we have to bomb a few houses here, so be it.
- Murdering your own? You're completely insane.
Whoa, calm down. You'll attract the guards. But listen, I'm with you, honest. What's the plan?
- Yeah, I'm leaving.
I don't think you get the treaty at all.
- (if the player is a charr)
- Mongrel! Get out of our city!
- See? The queen thinks you lot will just tuck your tails and leave us alone. But you never change. Get out of my sight! Or better yet, go yak up a furball. Heh. Hahahaha!
- You're as crazy as a weasel in a burlap sack.
You look weaker than my great-grandsire. I'm thinking I can do about whatever I want.
- truce now.
- Not with me they don't. And not with you, either. I can see it in your eyes. You're just biding your time so you can kill us when our guard is down. Try it, flea bag, just try it.
- The war is over. The sooner you know that, the better.
Maybe you missed it, but our people have a - No kidding? Good grief, even got the smell right. I heard some of our people were working on one but I had no idea it had come so far. Can I see the tail? How does it move?
- Okay, this is getting weird now. Gotta go.
Oh, this? Yeah, this is just a charr costume.
- Your city? Right. You're behind bars and I'm walking free.