Living World Season 4 content

Champion Branded Awakened General Argon

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Champion Branded Awakened General Argon

Champion Branded Awakened General Argon is a Branded Awakened that leads the Branded at Argon Garrison.


Argon lived as a corporal during the time of Nightfall and served under Warmarshal Varesh Ossa in the Kournan army until he was killed in combat in 1075 AE. He was posthumously viewed as a traitor to the nation after the war had ended with Varesh and Abaddon's defeat, and was hated by his daughter with whom he never reconciled.[1]

After Palawa Joko's conquest of Kourna, Argon was Awakened to serve him and was given command of the Argon Garrison with a promise for a chance to redeem his name. Being viewed as a villain affected Argon deeply, which he expressed in the many letters he wrote over the decades. Argon remained at his garrison, faithfully serving his undead king until he was Branded by Kralkatorrik in 1331 AE and killed by adventurers.


Crystal Desert

Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the Branded generals (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Betrayer of Kourna

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Branded Strike
  • Crystal Meteor
  • Strike
  • Vengeful Strike
  • Wrathful Strike
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Branded Geodermite.png Branded Geodermite Container Exotic 1


See also[edit]

Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Corporal Argon.
Associated items
