User:Eerie Moss/sandbox/Currency

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Currency is any item which is accumulated to make purchases either with NPCs or other players.


Coin is the most widely accepted form of game currency. It has three different units: bronze (Copper coin), silver (Silver coin) and gold (Gold coin). How much coin you currently carry is indicated on the bottom right hand side of the inventory window. Coin can be traded between players.


  • 1 Gold coin = 100 Silver coin = 10,000 Copper coin
  • 1 Silver coin = 100 Copper coin


Coin can be obtained by:

  • completing events.
  • looting fallen enemies.
  • selling items to a vendor.
  • filling a heart meter.


Coin can be used for:

  • purchasing items from a vendor.
  • repairing broken Armor.
  • using the waypoint system.


Gems Gem are bought from the in-game store and spent on microtransation items. They can also be traded with players for coin in the marketplace.


Glory Glory is earned by participating in Structured PvP and can be used to unlock skins for use in that game mode.


Influence Influence.png is a guild-specific reward earned by members playing together. It can be spent to research guild upgrades which are classified into politics, art of war, economy and architecture.


Karma Karma is a character-specific reward for participating in dynamic events and helping other players with their personal storyline. Karma can be used to purchase items from certain vendors but can not be traded between players. The amount of karma you currently have is indicated on the bottom left-hand corner of the inventory window.