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< Vortex
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May 08, 2018
- Vortex: Clarified the tooltips for this skill and increased its damage by 33%.
- Profession
Mesmer (skill list)
- Weapon
- Spear
- Game link
“Create a vortex at your location, pulling nearby foes toward you.
- Damage (9x): 1,323 (3.6)?
- Number of Targets: 5
- Pulses: 9
- Duration: 8 seconds
- Initial Pull Radius: 600
- Radius: 240
- Combo Field: Ethereal
— In-game description
November 26, 2013
- Vortex: Updated the range indicator to use the proper range.
- Added a radius skill fact.
- Added a skill fact for initial pull radius.
- Profession
Mesmer (skill list)
- Weapon
- Spear
- Game link
“Create a vortex at your location, pulling nearby foes toward you.
- Damage: 110
- Number of Targets: 5
- Initial Pull Radius: 600
- Radius: 240
- Combo Field: Ethereal
— In-game description
June 25, 2013
- Into the Void: Vortex has had its underwater aftercast reduced by 1.1 seconds.
December 14, 2012
- Vortex: This skill now does pulsing damage after it is created, and is also an ethereal field.
“Create a vortex at your location, pulling nearby foes toward you.
- Damage: 134
- Combo Field: Ethereal
- Range: 400
— In-game description
Original version
“Create a vortex at your location, pulling nearby foes toward you.
— In-game description