Symbol of Judgment/history
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June 03, 2014
- Symbol of Judgment Fixed a bug that caused this skill to have two radius skill facts when traited with Writ of Exaltation.
- Fixed a bug that caused the healing skill fact (for living targets) to be incorrect.
- Adjusted the skill fact for revive percentage to specify the revive percentage per pulse.
Symbol of Judgment
- Profession
Guardian (skill list)
- Slot
- Downed
- Game link
“Draw a symbol on the ground that heals allies and damages foes.
- Damage (4x): 392 (1.75)?
- Revive Percent per Pulse: 8%
- Healing: 652 (0.1)?
- Number of Targets: 5
- Pulses: 4
- Symbol Radius: 180
- Combo Field: Light
- Range: 180
— In-game description
October 15, 2013
- Symbol of Judgment: Added skill facts for revive percent, pulse, and number of targets.
Symbol of Judgment
- Profession
Guardian (skill list)
- Slot
- Downed
- Game link
“Draw a symbol on the ground that heals allies and damages foes.
- Damage (4x): 388
- Healing: 2,608
- : 8%
Revive Percentage- Number of Targets: 5
- : 4
Pulses- Symbol Radius: 180
- Combo Field: Light
- Range: 180
— In-game description
July 23, 2013
- Symbol of Judgment: Increased the spell effect and AoE rings to match the actual radius of this skill for both the base and when traited with Writ of Exaltation.
May 28, 2013
- Symbol of Judgment skill: Now acts as a combo field even if the Writ of Exaltation trait is not equipped.
- No longer heals for less without the Writ of Exaltation trait. It now uses the higher value in all cases, and the healing fact on the tool tip is now always accurate.