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There is an artifact we uncovered that I believe may even predate the bloodstone. The bloodstone as we know it was likely a culmination of a method they had to store magic. This artifact seems to basically be a small bloodstone that they used to amplify their own magical abilities in order to create the larger stone. We call it a Shadowstone.

Historian Tranton

The Shadowstone is a Seer artifact which, according to Historian Tranton, was used to amplify the Seers' magical abilities in order to create what eventually became the Bloodstone. It appears to be able to contain excess magic within it and has sockets for four bloodstone slivers.

In 1329 AE the Pact Commander, who had encountered a high concentration of magic and was suffering from strange symptoms which included seeing visions of ley-line anomalies, was presented with an option to contain the excess magic in their body within a reforged Shadowstone.

See also[edit]

Associated items


  1. ^ Hell Breaks Loose
    Mabon: While you kept Tyria safe from the threat of the dragon cycle, we watched you from the clouds.
    Mabon: Until recently, the World Spire has powered a shield that guarded this world from the an extent.
    Mabon: The final dragon cycle weighed heavily on our ability to shield ourselves. Nightfall came, Balthazar... Tyria has suffered, still.
    Mabon: But when the cycle ended, the magical ecosystem was fractured. The lake stilled. And can see to the bottom.
    Mabon: Aurene has begun to restabilize the system- I can feel her at work now. But until we mend the spire and our beacons...