Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Protect Verasha while she disables Igne Mossheart's wards

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Protect Verasha while she disables Igne Mossheart's wards is a level 80 group event which starts at the Point of interest (map icon).png Temple of the Dredge in The Echovald Wilds.


  • Verasha's Health
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Wards disabled: x/4
  • Scouting Party Members Standing x/5


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Event start
Verasha: They've put up wards to keep people from interrupting. Thankfully, I know exactly what to look for.
Ping: So why're you betraying your new friends, Verasha? Other than the fact that's basically your MO.
Verasha: (sighs) I know you don't think highly of me, Ping, but i've always been consistent in my goals.
Verasha: I want to protect the natural worlds, and I go where I think I can best achieve that.
Verasha: I don't want to use violence, but I will when I have to. Which is a philosophy Tetra shares.
Reaching the first Ward
Verasha: All right, let's see if this works the way I think it does...
Disabling the first Ward
Verasha: Ah. There we go. Just like I thought.
Upon enemy spawn while a Wards is disabled
Ping: There they are.
During the event
Igne Mossheart: Look at you. Sparks who think they're flames.
Ping: Uh, what was that?
Verasha: That was Igne. He's very dramatic. Just ignore him—let's go.
Reaching the second Ward
Verasha: There we are. Thankfully they are not very creative.
Once the second ward is disabled
Verasha: It's a long run down to the next one... (frustrated noises) We don't have much time!
Sim: Can you get us down there?
Ping: I don't have a lot left in me, but I can pull one out.
Ping places a Portal Entre.
Ping: Everyone in.
Disabling the third Ward
Igne Mossheart: Life... and death...
Igne Mossheart: I will remove you all from this forest, root and stem, like the weeds you are.
Ping: So Tetra really doesn't have anything to do with this?
Verasha: Yes. She didn't sanction this ritual. Igne took it into his own hands.
Verasha: He wants violence for its own sake. He wants to punish. And if he succeeds in this ritual, he will.
Disabling the fourth Ward
Verasha I'm not expecting any surprises, but if I disintegrate myself this time, at least the job is done...
If Verasha's health falls below 50%
Verasha I can't very well disable this if I am bleeding out!
Event success
Verasha: The ward's down, and I'm still here—which is a great disappointment to you all, I'm sure.
Ping: Not at all—you'll get to face justice.
Verasha: Well, we still have a ritual to stop. Maybe I'll die and rob you of the glory.
Event failure


Ping can go hostile, resulting in friendly npc's involved in the event to attack her. Since her health keeps resetting rather than reach 0 and down her, the npc's do not move on and the event cannot be completed. .

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