Pale Reaver
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Pale Reaver
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Pale Reavers are survivors from the Pact's all-sylvari elite squad of the same name found in Snarled Frontier during the Outpost: Pale Reaver Rally meta event.
Story involvement[edit]
Heart of Thorns story[edit]
- Act I
- During Slay the Wyvern!
- Laranthir needs your help down on that platform, Commander.
- I need to make a tactical retreat. (Return to Verdant Brink)
- [sic] Goodbye.
- Greets
- Male
- I deny whatever turned the others.
- If one of us turns foul, we'll deal with it.
- My mind is my own.
- Our aim is true.
- Travel with care. The jungle is lethal
- We still serve Tyria and the Pact.
- You can trust us. I swear it.
- You survived the crash! Praise the Pale Tree.
- Female
- I'm loyal to the Pact.
- Keep the enemy at bay. I'll do the rest.
- My mind is my own.
- Ready to serve.
- So much carnage from the crash.
- So much death and destruction.
- The Pale Reavers will never turn against Tyria.
- Watch the trees.
- We will not falter!