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Nightingale's Music Box

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Nightingale's Music Box.png

Nightingale's Music Box

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

Nightingale's Music Box is a music box.



The music box has two buttons.
(if the song is not playing)
Talk end option tango.png Press the first button. (gives Living World Season 4 music.png)
Talk end option tango.png Press the second button.
(if the song is already playing)
Talk end option tango.png Press the first button again. (removes Living World Season 4 music.png)
Talk end option tango.png Press the second button. (removes Living World Season 4 music.png)


Youtube.png Search YouTube for videos related to Nightingale's Music Box.
  • Each button plays a different tune. Press a button to turn the tune on, then press the same button to turn it off. The first button plays a music box song (audible to all in range), and a white note effect will appear regularly from the character. An effect icon will also appear in the effect monitor, though its tooltip is empty. The second button plays a specific ambient music track, audible only to the owner.
  • The Music Box is usable in combat and works in Open World, Dungeons, Fractals, Raids and WvW. It is not usable in PVP.
  • This gizmo cannot be added to the account Novelties, and therefore, it will take up an inventory slot. This does, however, mean that you can use a non-musical novelty (such as a chair) at the same time as the music box.