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Keep enemies away from Skybreaker while she plants explosives

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Keep enemies away from Skybreaker while she plants explosives

Event maps
Keep enemies away while Skybreaker plants explosives map.jpg

Interactive map

Interactive map

Keep enemies away from Skybreaker while she plants explosives is a level 80 event that occurs in Shrouded Ruins.


  • Explosives Planted
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Use sniper rifles to kill enemies before they reach Skybreaker.
  • Clear the enemies around Skybreaker.
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag green (map icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






Before the event starts
Chief Aviator Skybreaker: Burn my tail. We're blocked again.
Laranthir of the Wild: And worse—we're trapped here.
Laranthir of the Wild: I believe it's time we blast our way through.
Chief Aviator Skybreaker: (chuckle) Thought you'd never ask.
Event start
Laranthir of the Wild: To the walls! Hold them back!
Laranthir of the Wild: Rifles at the ready!
Wolves rushing
Laranthir of the Wild: Commander, wolves rushing down our position! Take them down!
<Character name>: I'm on it.
Laranthir of the Wild: Open fire! Bring it down!


  • Every time Laranthir mentions that wolves are rushing the position, a pack of wolves, usually around 5-6 will run straight up the stairs towards the NPCs.
  • The rifles can be used effectively against enemies on the sniping ledge, if fired from the other side of the ledge.