Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Journal (Lyhr)

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Journals are books that are written by Lyhr and found during the Tower of Secrets story step.

Story involvement[edit]

Secrets of the Obscure story[edit]


Fragment of Lyhr's Journal

1127 AE

Dagda came by my quarters today in a dandy mood. Asked if I'd like to take a trip down to Tyria proper—something about an errand for Isgarren. Maybe it's 'cause I haven't been back since the ascension, but it took everything to hide my excitement.

I couldn't explain it; so much of my former life is shrouded, just beyond reach, so why am I so giddy? Am I...broken? Possessed? I should get checked out before we leave.

Our journey began at a large monastery hewn inside a mountain, touted as "the largest library and archive in Tyria." Yak crap, I said. We wandered its torchlit halls shrouded in our altered forms. Dagda as an asura and me simply appearing as stone. In hindsight, had I known we'd run into another scalding dwarf, I might've tried something else. I don't think this Ogden bloke knew me—not that I'd know. Fortunately, Dagda got what she came for and we hightailed it out of there.

Didn't expect to run into destroyers, but the ruins were crawling with them. I had to split just to keep them off Dagda as she magically picked the door's quad-stoned runelock. Emotion led them away on a wild goose chase while I warded the hallway to the door. A damn shame I didn't get to solve the rune puzzle myself. — Logic

That's what you're upset about, you slag-brained nitwit? What about me and my well-being? I was nearly thrown into magma! —Emotion

After I merged, Dagda and I descended slowly into the chasm of stars. At the bottom was a massive cavern, its walls glittering with the light of precious gems. There, we found our prize. Sparks of Deldrimor floated above the cavern lake's opalescent waters. Dagda carried out her business as I watched a pair of shimmering cosmic fish circle one another in perfect sync. Ebb and flow. Just like me.

The bottom of the page is torn away. You wonder where the missing piece may be. Is it nearby?

Missing Fragment of Lyhr's Journal

Droknar's Forge. I watched my "norn" friend as she stood at the water's edge, holding some doodad I'd never seen before. Her eyes glowed and she began to recite some unfamiliar incantation. With a flick of her finger, she inserted the spark into the device, and for only a few moments the world around me was changed. The forge was there, my people were there. It was snowing. I saw a dwarf standing before me, hands offering 'something'. I rubbed my eyes to wake up and the vision was gone. My hands were wet. I was...crying?

The white spark had transmuted into a silvery mercurial form, trapped in a small prismed capsule. Dagda turned to me with a smile and beckoned our return to the Beacon of Ages. I wanted to ask her about what she'd done and for what purpose, but I wasn't about to stick my nose in elder wizard business. They'll tell me when the time is right, I'm sure...