Guild Wars 2 Wiki talk:Projects/Living World changes

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Festival of the Four Winds[edit]

I'll be updating the NPC pages very, very soon. Just a few finals to go then I should be free to update the majority of them. --Ventriloquist (talk) 08:46, 25 May 2014 (UTC)

Best way of going about this[edit]

First of all I just want to say what a good idea I think this is. The projects were one of the things that made GWW so successful, I think, and having that kind of focus here when the content updates are so large can only be a good thing. But for a project to be successful, it needs structure, and that's something we need to decide on here. I propose we use some sort of a checklist system, and we section the checklist roughly like this:

  • Release 1
    • New content (stuff added to the game with release 1)
      • Features
      • Locations
        • Zones
        • Areas
        • Points of interest
        • Jumping puzzles
      • Items
        • Gem store stuff
        • Weapon skins
        • Equipment
        • Dyes? Crafting?
      • Skills
      • NPC's
      • Events
        • Allies (separate by race/faction function?)
        • Foes (separate by race/faction?)
      • Objects
    • Updated content (things that have been altered with a release that mean the page needs updating, e.g. Lion's Arch, Viathan Lake, Taimi)
      • As above
  • Release 2
    • etc.

The project should link prominently to the Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Practices and processes, and articles that have been created/updated should be marked with Tick yellow.png (Example). Once an article is complete (no stub sections or missing information), it can be marked with Tick green.png (Example). Each release is going to be a big undertaking, so if we're going to be successful we need to make sure we're aware of the changes that come with each release almost down to the minutiae. Santax (talk · contribs) 11:15, 25 May 2014 (UTC)

The tick system sounds great. First of all, we'd need to list every NPC and every change and then individually cross them off. We're also gonna need to compare every tiny change that took place, capture ambient dialogue etc. It's a lot of work, but I'm confident that the future release pages will look much, much better. --Ventriloquist (talk) 13:03, 25 May 2014 (UTC)
I like the idea behind the checklist system. We do not have to worry about a lot of items due to the Release pages tend to be updated by someone with early access then released on release day if I remember correctly and if they are still doing that. However the release pages don't include changes to existing pages and sometimes like the last two releases the changes are just too big for them to make those changes. Feel free to update the to-do list with anything you think needs attention under the appropreate release. Anzenketh (talk) 19:57, 25 May 2014 (UTC)
For some good examples of a 'tick system' in action, GWW's Projects had plenty of good ones. The release pages are good for listing 'big' features, achievements, gem store items etc., but it still doesn't track whether we have complete articles on it. I can't think of any efficient way of compiling these, short of just asking ArenaNet (but then that would spoil the surprise!), so it's gonna be a task in and of itself. I was also thinking that since that there's a good chance that each release is going to bring a large list of pages that need creating/updating, it might be better to create a subpage for each release with an index on the main page for this project rather than listing them all here, otherwise it's gonna get to be a pretty long page! Santax (talk · contribs) 20:47, 25 May 2014 (UTC)
The best way to catch everything is determine what area's have changed recently and tour(with recording software) of those areas and speak to everyone even generic NPCs. This is part of the reason why I am fine with the large task of finding everything and get the full story. For example: I found out while updating Captain Shud page that the Asura gates are not quite stable and we are still using them. Will we get everything. Probably not but with this project we will catch a lot more then we have been and the core pages will be updated more reliably. There are usually a few key NPCs that changed every release track and talk to them. The release pages are important as they are the things that we know have changed. The items in the release page are the most important as they are the things that would be accessed most.Anzenketh (talk) 00:59, 1 June 2014 (UTC)

Changed needed to Pratacies and Policies to better Facilitiate a Living World.[edit]

I have already made a RFC here on changes that I prepose to be made to a lot of the infoboxes to make them support the Living World a bit better. Besides for changes on the way we tag historical content. What other changes do you think are nessesary to make it easier to update pages for the living world. Anzenketh (talk) 19:52, 25 May 2014 (UTC)

Quotes and Dialogues. Personally, I love the first one; the second is toooooo messy and it frankly looks crude (not to mention the first one is much easier to type). We need to decide which one to use, since it would be inconsistent to put different types of dialogue on different pages. My vote goes for #1. --Ventriloquist (talk) 19:55, 25 May 2014 (UTC)
Did you mean to post in Quotes and Dialogues. talk page.

Ambient and greet dialoge is not required to be entered to mark a page as {{yes}}[edit]

I can't say I agree with this. One of the wiki's major flaws is the fact that a lot of dialogue is under-documented; whilst overhauling the event page for Drive Malchor to the Altar of Tempests I noticed that despite the fact that basically none of the dialogue had been documented there were no {{section-stub}} tags or anything else to indicate that the page was in some way "incomplete". This situation had persisted from launch until only a month or so ago, meaning literally years had passed with the dialogue not only not being on the wiki, but with nobody noticing that it needed documenting (which is a shame, because it contains some potentially interesting lore). This is the case for possibly hundreds of events, areas, and points of interest on the wiki, so I think that if a page is missing ambient dialogue, we really should be denoting it in some way. Santax (talk · contribs) 00:30, 1 June 2014 (UTC)

Note it only stated Ambient and greet dialog. Dialog box and non-ambient(story) dialogue is absolutely required. There is a reason why it is under documented. It is extremely hard to catch it all short of data mineing(and that is un-reliable). Dialogue that can be reliability triggered absolutely should be documented before marking the page as completed. If it was required to be marked as {{yes}} then the majority of them will never be marked as {{yes}} as most all NPCs have some sort of greeting to them. If we ever determine the pattern for the greet dialogues for the service NPC then we should create a template for them to be used for all vendors/NPCs of the same type. Hopefully this project solves that problem. Problem is all dialogue can be different depending on NPC/area(even smaller at times)/situation/Race/gender. With dialogue we just need to to the best we can. With ambient dialogue that is update it when you hear it. Anzenketh (talk) 00:48, 1 June 2014 (UTC)

Ambient Scenes[edit]

Please see this page For talk related to Festival of the Four Winds Ambient Scenes. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Anzenketh (talkcontribs) at 18:40, 2 June 2014 (UTC).

Waypoint takeover[edit]

Jungle tendril have taken over quite a few waypoints since the patch, as shown here: How do we document this? Tyndel (talk) 02:10, 11 July 2014 (UTC)

It seems like this "taking over" will occur over several releases, so for now, list the known locations and perhaps the map, and watch closely how it evolves; it will most likely be introduced in one of the releases, where we can go in full detail. For reference, see Energy Probe. --Ventriloquist 02:38, 11 July 2014 (UTC)

/dialogue and NPC Pages for S2 and Beyond[edit]

I'm hoping someone would be interested in discussing /dialogue page and NPC mainpage formatting issues for s2+ with regards to the living world and dialogue. I'm cross-posting this to a few relevant talk pages to draw in interested parties, as I've found this a more effective method than the Request For Comment page :) A brief overview of the current proposal: 1) The forward to the /dialogue page from the "Quotes" header of NPC mainpages should be removed. 2) Forward to the /dialogue page under Living World Involvement, remove the Dialogue heading. 3) This LWI connection can either justify the "page full of forwards" issue that the highly instanced S2 is leaving in its wake by having the pages serve as expanded versions of what the LWI header is now, or open up the /dialogue page to be filled in with more generalized content like episodic character-centric Living World summaries, or heck maybe someone thinks the dialogue should be copypasta'd to these pages. Expanded explanations of these points can be found at my first link. I'm absolutely interested in ideas and issues not brought up here, as well. I just want to get people from various wiki areas thinking upon this as S2 progresses so that by its finish we can have the best possible discussion of what is working well and what isn't. -Kymtastic (talk) 19:51, 14 August 2014 (UTC)