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Escort legion forces to the overlook

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Escort legion forces to the overlook

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort legion forces to the overlook is a level 80 group event that occurs in Drizzlewood Coast. Escort Efram Greetsglory to Petraj Overlook to begin the legion's assault.


  • Efram Greetsglory
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Ambusher Strength
  • Event bar.jpg

Escort window closes in: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Event start

(one of the below)[verification requested]

Efram Greetsglory: We will retake the beach one fort at a time. But this isn't about tactics or territory.
Efram Greetsglory: One day soon Bangar and his Dominion will be defeated. And what will remain of the charr?
Efram Greetsglory: This fight is about the soul of our people. Remember that, and get ready to move out.
Logan Thackeray: The Seraph and I will sweep behind you.
Efram Greetsglory: Good. I'll let you know when to rendezvous with us.
Efram Greetsglory: In battle there are always setbacks. Remember why we fight!
Efram Greetsglory: Besides, we've taken the overlook before—should be easier now, right?
Iron Legion Sentinel: (laughs)
Iron Legion Soldier: (cheers)
Efram Greetsglory: That's the spirit!
On being ambushed
Efram Greetsglory: Keep heart, soldiers!
Efram Greetsglory: Don't give ground!
Efram Greetsglory: Legions! With me!
Efram Greetsglory: Stay resolute!
On defeating an ambush
Efram Greetsglory: Keep that momentum, soldiers.
Efram Greetsglory: Well done.
Efram Greetsglory: Push on.
Event success
Efram Greetsglory: Catch your breath, soldiers. Logan, move up to the overlook base.
Efram Greetsglory: You've earned a rest, but stay vigilant. We'll need every base.
Event failure
Efram Greetsglory: Collect the wounded and fall back!