Living World Season 4 content

Elite Shatterscale

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Elite Shatterscale

Elite Shatterscale is a tough Branded Fish found in the lake of Ice Floe.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Immobilizes
  • Smites Immobilized Foes
  • Bite - Simple auto-attack that applies Bleeding.png Bleeding
  • Bite - A spin attack that applies Poisoned.png Poisoned.
  • Electric Saliva - Shoots a shot that apply Immobile.png Immobile, marking the target for Branded Lightning Strike.
  • Redirect Arrow.png Branded Lightning Strike - Charging attack, that calls upon a lightning strike, dealing massive amount of damage.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Pile of Incandescent Dust.png Pile of Incandescent Dust Crafting material Fine 1
Pile of Crystalline Dust.png Pile of Crystalline Dust Crafting material Rare 1