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Defend the kodan base from the Mistburned creatures

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Defend the kodan base from the Mistburned creatures

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend the kodan base from the Mistburned creatures is a level 80 group event that occurs in Old Hutment Site, just west of Waypoint (map icon).png Forager's Hunt Waypoint. The event begins a few minutes after the Of Mists and Monsters meta event starts.


  • Wave Progress
    Event bar empty2.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Waves defeated: x/3
  • Kodan alive: 6
  • Champion Blighted Beast
    Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Waves defeated: x/3
  • Kodan alive: 6


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Previous 2 hoursNext 2 hours
00:00 UTC

This event starts during the Of Mists and Monsters meta event after the timer countdown. [verification requested] The six kodan must be protected. If all of them are slain, the event will fail. On the third wave, a Champion Blighted Beast will appear. Killing it completes the event.






Event start
One of the following:
Unyielding Shelter: The Mist tides have begun. This is what we trained for, cubs. Enact defensive measures!
Unyielding Shelter: The storm is upon us once more. The beasts will follow shortly. Form the barricades!
Unyielding Shelter: Time is short. Set up quickly.
One of the following:
Unyielding Shelter: They've arrived. Look sharp, everyone!
Unyielding Shelter: Here they come! Prepare to repel!
Various dialogue during combat (source may depend on which NPCs are alive)
Unyielding Shelter: They are desperate. Show these beasts the insurmountable might of a kodan warrior!
Unyielding Shelter: Neither storm nor beast relents.
Unyielding Shelter: (snarls)
Unyielding Shelter: Vigilant Dawn is counting on us!
Unyielding Shelter: Your rampage ends here!
Unyielding Shelter: Stand together![verification requested]
Kodan Landspeaker: Back, beasts!
Kodan Landspeaker: (roars)
Kodan Landspeaker: I will not falter.
Unyielding Shelter: Stand firm, all of you! Their ferocity is no match for our resolve.
Unyielding Shelter: Together we'll form an unbreakable shield.
When a barrier is destroyed [verification requested]
Kodan Landspeaker: Damn! We've lost another one!
Kodan Landspeaker: Barriers or no, I will fight.
After successful event
One of the following:
Unyielding Shelter: We've weathered the storm...for now. Rest up, cubs. You've earned it.
Unyielding Shelter: We've routed the beasts...this time. You have my thanks, outsider.

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