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Defeat the spider boss!

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Defeat the spider boss! is a group event that occurs in Hollow Caves.


  • Champion Blossom Weaver
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


The event has a special mechanic wherein the Champion Blossom Weaver will capture a player or NPC and stick them to one of two possible walls in the event area. If the captured player or NPC is not freed from the Web Sticking Spot in time, the spider boss will stop fighting to kill the captured player or NPC. This event mechanic is demonstrated as soon as the event starts, with the Champion Blossom Weaver capturing Toxicologist Yon and hanging her on a wall.






Moving to the next cave
Toxicologist Yon: Gods―what's that smell?
Toxicologist Yon: Oh, THAT'S that smell. Cool. This certainly bodes well for us.
Toxicologist Yon: I'm suddenly very much ready to get out of here. I'll just smear the mixture on the ground, and...
Toxicologist Yon: Did it work?
Toxicologist Yon: Nope, I am definitely not a fan of that.
Event starting
Toxicologist Yon: It's completely ignoring our concoction! It wants... Oh, gods, it looks hungry.
Toxicologist Yon: I... Good night.
After successful completion (only if Toxicologist Yon is saved early in the event)
Toxicologist Yon: I-it's dead? It's dead!
Toxicologist Yon: Look at her. She's ancient. I...argh, excuse me.
Toxicologist Yon: She could be as old as the Jade Sea, by the look of it... Definitely the source of our toxin. Yuck.
Toxicologist Yon: I'll need to run some tests, but if she's really a hundred years old... How much do you know about the Affliction?
Toxicologist Yon: A nasty plague; ask one of the ghosts. I wouldn't be surprised if she snacked on a dead body or two back in the day.
Toxicologist Yon: I don't want to think about that, but we sure did dodge a bullet. A venom-coated, giant spider bullet...
Toxicologist Yon: Anyway, I need to get these samples back to the lab.
Toxicologist Yon: Don't think the boss is going to be thrilled that his leading insect toxicologist killed a centuries-old specimen.

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