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Defeat the rampaging amber elemental

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Defeat the rampaging amber elemental

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the rampaging amber elemental is a group event that occurs at Altrumm Mines in The Echovald Wilds. Players must kill the elemental which has been disturbed by the mining of amber within the nearby cave.


  • Enraged Amber Elemental
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • OPTIONAL: Use bombs to drop stalactites and damage defiance.
  • Time left to deliver amber shipment: 6:30


For the achievement, equip a bomb and target a stalactite on the ceiling then move under it. Kite the boss to you (under the stalactite) and throw the bomb. Repeat under different stalactites.


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






On event started
Ilari: Is the ground...standing up?
Elder Fen: Oh, yeah, probably an earth elemental. They rumble by periodically. Don't worry.
Ilari: Do they always that?
Elder Fen: Uh, no.
Elder Fen: It's not leaving us along this time! Fight back—we can't lose the amber!
Ilari: We've still got a few of Lin's grenades left. Make 'em count!
If timer reaches one minute
Elder Fen: We can't lose this shipment. Keep fighting!
On success
Ilari: Is it dead?
Elder Fen: Do you know what a dead earth elemental looks like? 'Cause I sure don't. But I think so.
Ilari: What got into it?
Elder Fen: Don't care to find out. Lets grab the amber and go.
Elder Fen: Thank you, outsider. Couldn't have done this without your help.
On success, with Client
Client: Am I gonna be happy this time, Fen?
Elder Fen: Yep, got the full order.
Client: So I see. Yes, this is good quality too. Consider yourself redeemed.
On success, back at village
Ilari: Lin, we just killed some kind of giant rock monster!
Alchemist Lin What, really?
Ilari: Mm-hmm. So, I guess that means I'm free now.
Alchemist Lin: Me too. You still wanna...?
Ilari: Yeah, of course!
Ilari: I've been looking forward to it all day. Even when the rock monster was smashing me in the guts...
Alchemist Lin: I'm glad I rate slightly higher than being smashed in the guts by an earth elemental. Anyway, I, uh, made a picnic...
Ilari: Sounds amazing. Let's go.
On failure
Ilari: Fen, I'm dead on my feet.
Elder Fen: Leave the Amber - run!
On failure, with Client
Client: Why am I not seeing my amber?
Elder Fen: There was a problem back at the mine. We were attacked. Had to leave it behind.
Client: Fen, Fen, Fen, you canceled on me twice already, and now this?
Elder Fen: We'll have it next time, I swear.
Client: You get one more chance. Because we're friends. Then I've gotta think about switching to jade.
On failure, back at village
Ilari: We lost the amber. Some kind of giant rock monster showed up and attacked us.
Alchemist Lin Oh, Ilari, I’m so sorry. Do you...still want to...
Ilari: Yes, I think it’s what I need right now.
Ilari: I've been looking forward to it all day. Even when the rock monster was smashing me in the guts...
Alchemist Lin: I'm glad I rate slightly higher than being smashed in the guts by an earth elemental. Anyway, I, uh, made a picnic...
Ilari: Sounds amazing. Let's go.

Related achievements[edit]


  • Following completion of this event, Ilari and Alchemist Lin will walk to a small waterfall to the north of the village and sit down.