Barkeep Plikter

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Barkeep Plikter

Asura female 12.jpg

(This NPC's appearance may change randomly.)

Apprentice Carrels
(Rata Sum)

Interactive map (Depths)

Barkeep Plikter is a merchant found in the Apprentice Carrels. The progeny Tippi can be found nearby.


Maguuma Jungle

Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Bottle of Rice Wine.png Bottle of Rice Wine Alcohol Basic 16 Copper coin
Stein of Hunter's Ale.png Stein of Hearty Ale Alcohol Basic 16 Copper coin
Bottle of Juniberry Gin.png Bottle of Juniberry Gin Alcohol Basic 16 Copper coin
Bottle of Passion Fruit Sauce.png Jug of Hard Apple Cider Alcohol Basic 16 Copper coin
Draught of Hunter's Ale.png Draught of Hunter's Ale Alcohol Basic 16 Copper coin
Bottle of Wine.png Bottle of Red Wine Alcohol Basic 32 Copper coin
Cuatl Tonic.png Flask of Ooze Spirits Alcohol Basic 16 Copper coin

Item Type Rarity Cost
Bottle of Experimental Ooze Booze.png Bottle of Peacemaker Pilsner Consumable Rare Silver coin 68 Copper coin


If asura
Good to see you, genius. I've got your usual. You here to quench your thirst or to talk my ear off?
Talk more option tango.png This progeny is industrious. Why don't you hire her?
Who? Tippi? Her parents would kill me if I did. They've got big plans for her in the College of Dynamics. Besides, last progeny I hired blew up the bar with some kind of crazy drink mix.
Talk merchant tango.png I'll have a drink.
Talk end option tango.png I see.
Talk merchant tango.png I'll have a drink.
Talk end option tango.png Neither. I have important things to do.
If human
Welcome, stranger, and grab a mug. I stock exotic brews from all over the abovelands. Though if you're looking for a taste of home, my newest shipment was from a Krytan Abbey.
Talk more option tango.png Why don't you give this child a job? (Same as above)
Talk merchant tango.png I'll have a drink.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
If charr, norn or sylvari
Welcome, stranger, and grab a mug. I stock exotic brews from all over the abovelands. My newest shipment was from a Krytan Abbey.
Talk merchant tango.png I'll have a drink.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.


  • Accessing the vendor window via the first option will present the full list of items.
Accessing the vendor window after trying to convince Plikter to hire Tippi presents a limited inventory with only the Flask of Ooze Spirits for purchase. (Only for asura or humans).

Related achievements[edit]