Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

XI: The Inevitable

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Oracle Card 2.png

XI: The Inevitable

Item type
The Wizard's Tower.png Sorrow's Lost
Account Bound
Game link

Takes effect immediately upon receipt.
Inner calm, the strength to master one's self, and the will to push forward. He was guided by these things to protect his home.

Hint: Magic can be used to heal, transmute, and inspire, but for this bastion, they focus on battle. Learn the poses and complete the spell.

— In-game description


Mailed after completing Event rescue red (map icon).png [Group Event] Assist Vanak in completing the group spell (80) located at Point of interest (map icon).png Circle of Rituals in the Bastion of Strength.


Vanak Faithwalker

Work on your spells!

Wayfinder, keep working on your battle magic. You will need it in the wars to come. Strength comes from the mind, after all.

Speaking of, take this as a memento of your time here. I found it among the rubble during my rounds. You came to mind, in the most...uncanny way.


Oracle Card 2.pngXI: The Inevitable

Card content[edit]

XI: The Inevitable

Mabon, the Wizard of Strength

The beginning is not the end, he once thought. He'd deserve it, if it happened. Atonement for the past.